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Jakari Jackson gives you sneak peak at the dystopic future that awaits us if we continue to give up our liberty for security.
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Date: 12/08/2012
Within a day after Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher’s and his girlfriend’s deaths, the establishment launched a surprise attack on the right to bear arms and the Second Amendment using guns as a scapegoat to distract from the most-likely culprit: the concussion-inducing, psychotropic drug-addicted, gladiatorial thug, celebrity rock star culture plaguing the NFL. This past weekend on Sunday Night Football, sports commentator Bob Costas, with the full support of NBC and the NFL, indicted the “gun culture” as he quoted an article by Fox Sports columnist James Whitlock which blamed guns for the sad killings that took place - Watch now
Date: 08/30/2011
In an Infowars Special Report, Alex Jones speaks with Asia Times reporter Pepe Escobar on the rule of al Qaeda in Tripoli and the emerging civil war in Libya. Later, We Are founder Luke Rud - Watch now
Date: 09/17/2011
Alex Jones wants to launch a massive boycott against the NFL and their sponsors. Write a letter, send an email, make a phone call and vote with your dollars. We will not tolerate the TSA sticking thei - Watch now
Date: 09/21/2011
Alex welcomes Dr. Andrew Wakefield in studio to discuss the massive health risks associated with dangerous inoculations, as the establishment media and the pharmaceutical lobby launch another mass hoa - Watch now