believe this to be an error.
Alex covers the recent preliminary
impeachment hearings bravely led by Congressman Dennis Kucinich, during which establishment lackeys like John Conyers attempted to
restrict what could be discussed, including the very use of the word "impeachment," and what charges could be made against the Bush
administration. Despite a media blackout, the hearings marked a historic event. Alex plays clips from the hearings and takes
In depth reports focusing on breaking news and specific subjects affecting our world On-Demand
Date: 09/03/2008
Alex Jones interviews four top personalities at the DNC in Denver. Included are video interviews with peace mom Cindy Sheehan, Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello, best-selling author Jerome Corsi, presidential candidate Ralph Nader, along with high quality and unseen footage of Alex's confrontation with Michelle Malkin. - Watch now
Date: 09/07/2008
In this interview filmed during the events at the DNC in Denver, Alex Jones discusses how he was able to put out a warning months before 9/11 that predicted a terrorist attack. Alex also talks about National Security Presidential Directive 51 and how it codifies martial law and the secret government takeover of America. The accelerating mass awakening and the potential to rescue liberty and freedom is also highlighted. - Watch now
Date: 09/26/2008
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney speaks at the 2008 Now Or Never event held in New York City. McKinney discusses how, on the very day of 9/11, she and other members of Congress were handed talking points to repeat the mantra that America was attacked because it was "free". McKinney talks about how she was kicked out of Congress for asking questions about 9/11 and passionately reminds people that many individual acts of justice can tear down the walls of oppression. - Watch now
Date: 10/06/2005
Alex discusses the effort to save Access TV and the centralization and decline of the mainstream media monoliths. The false paradigm of left-right framed debates and parameter setting mental archtypes is uncovered. Tracking transponders and the surveillace of travel is explored. - Watch now