February 09, 2015
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The Secret Covenant: The Elite’s Manual For Global Enslavement.
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Regarding the origins and implications of the mysterious document known as “The Secret Covenant”. The document was anonymously sent to the email of bankindex.com in June of 2002. Whether or not it was truly gifted to the masses from an illuminati insider remains to be seen. However, it is difficult for the average human to not find some portion of it that rings true with our exponentially growing enslavement and mass culling by a group of social elite that are dominating the collective population of Planet Earth.
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Date: 02/04/2015
An update to two reports filed earlier this month. The flu vaccine has claimed another child and the Disneyland measles outbreak is being blamed on the unvaccinated but the system cannot explain away fully vaccinated people coming down with and even spreading the flu. The vaccine hoax is starting fail. Infowars reporter Rob Dew covers this and looks at European studies that our CDC refuses to conduct as it runs cover for big pharma. related: DISNEYLAND MEASLES OUTBREAK CAUSED BY VACCINE? - http://www.infowars.com/disneyland-measles-outbreak-caused-by-vaccine/ THE SECRET TO IMMUNITY - http://www.infowars.com/the-secret-to-immunity/ CDC ADMITS NEW FLU SHOT PROTECTS LESS THAN 1 IN 4 - http://www.infowars.com/cdc-admits-new-flu-shot-protects-less-than-1-in-4/ U.S. SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS MANDATORY VACCINATIONS - http://www.infowars.com/u-s-supreme-court-upholds-mandatory-vaccinations/ WITH 97% COMPLIANCE CHICKEN POX VACCINE STILL CAUSES OUTBREAKS - http://www.infowars.com/with-97-compliance-chicken-pox-vaccine-still-causes-outbreaks/ VACCINATION MYTHS AND TRUTHS - http://www.infowars.com/vaccination-myths-and-truths/ Little Girl Dies After Flu Shot Injection - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5WWtqR9v4s - http://www.infowarshealth.com/ - Watch now
Date: 02/04/2015
Once again the medical industrial complex is pushing the flu scare to new heights. Unfortunately parents, the elderly, and the ignorant, will roll up the sleeves of themselves and their children to inject this toxic cocktail into their bodies. Every year infowars.com is forced to keep account of the victims who are dead or debilitated by the flu shot. Leave it to the main stream media to run cover for the eugenics mafia and not ask the obvious hard questions of the designed side effects to this deadly shot. RIP victims of the New World Order. Strengthen Your Immune System http://www.infowarslife.com Read More Here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2895690/Mommy-tired-mysterious-tragic-flu-death-little-girl-3-running-house-one-day-gone-influenza-72-hours-later.html http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/health/2015/01/02/flu-deaths-iowa-young-girl-dies/21214315/ http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/health/2015/01/06/flu-kills-des-moines-second-grader/21362135/ http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/health/2015/01/05/flu-deaths-iowa-amber-gray/21314709/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin= http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm http://drtenpenny.com/the-truth-about-the-flu-shot/ http://whotv.com/2015/01/02/iowa-teenager-dies-days-after-flu-symptoms-appear/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0eXaQVjy9U - Watch now
Date: 02/04/2015
The recent measles outbreak in Disneyland has caused quite a stir, as the disease was thought to be nearly eradicated in the US. MSM outlets are fear mongering the public into getting the MMR shot which they claim will protect you from the disease. What they are not telling is that people who have received the CDC recommended doses of vaccine are still catching and passing on measles to others. And the cat calls of "safe and effective" spewed out by the minions of big pharma are also a farce. Infowars.com reporter Rob Dew reads straight off the MMR vaccine insert which lists the following side effects: measles, measles like rash, diabetes, encephalitis, Guillain–Barré syndrome, pneumonia and even death. On top of that, a whistleblower lawsuit came to light late last year that proves MERK executives where hiding the fact that the vaccine was not 95% effective as they claim. Please do your own research and work your natural immune system which in the end is the only thing that will protect you. DISNEYLAND MEASLES OUTBREAK CAUSED BY VACCINE? - http://www.infowars.com/disneyland-measles-outbreak-caused-by-vaccine/ THE SECRET TO IMMUNITY - http://www.infowars.com/the-secret-to-immunity/ CDC ADMITS NEW FLU SHOT PROTECTS LESS THAN 1 IN 4 - http://www.infowars.com/cdc-admits-new-flu-shot-protects-less-than-1-in-4/ U.S. SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS MANDATORY VACCINATIONS - http://www.infowars.com/u-s-supreme-court-upholds-mandatory-vaccinations/ WITH 97% COMPLIANCE CHICKEN POX VACCINE STILL CAUSES OUTBREAKS - http://www.infowars.com/with-97-compliance-chicken-pox-vaccine-still-causes-outbreaks/ VACCINATION MYTHS AND TRUTHS - http://www.infowars.com/vaccination-myths-and-truths/ Little Girl Dies After Flu Shot Injection - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5WWtqR9v4s http://www.infowarslife.com - Watch now
Date: 02/04/2015
Michael Hayden, former NSA Director, former Director of National Intelligence, and former Director of CIA has just bragged about how he’s wasn’t part of law enforcement and the focus of the NSA isn’t “bad people” but “interesting people”. He also bragged about how his “authority” to conduct dragnet surveillance of everyone without probable cause didn’t come from the Patriot Act or Section 215, but he and Bush decided it was “lawful”. - Watch now