February 20, 2015
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Shock Video! Gov. Caught Lying About Vaccine Dangers
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In this marathon report anchored by a Feb 2014 Senate Hearing on Vaccines featuring Senator Elizabeth Warren and Dr. Anne Schuchat is the director of CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. They use this national platform to continue the hoax that vaccines are perfectly safe and effective.
Infowars.com Nighlty News Director Rob Dew methodically covers the evidence that vaccines are dangerous and the fact the vaccine manufacturers are not liable for their toxic products and as a result you will never see credible impartial studies. Those who do look at vaccines are attacked and demonized by the media and big pharma. Rob also examines why autism saw an explosion in the late 1980's and concludes the report with a must read article from retired neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock and an amazing quote from one of the first anti-vaccers Ghandi. This report has a lot of amazing information, please check out the links below.
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