March 13, 2015
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Will Google Use Aborted Babies In Their Quest For Immortality
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Our children and unborn babies are being used as commodities and soon will be traded like livestock. A California company is using organs from aborted babies to grow full sized organs for transplants. Google is on a quest for immortality. Will they turn to this sickening procedure in their quests to become gods on earth?
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Date: 03/13/2015
A Texas town replaced its law enforcement with private security, now, a Michigan town is under scrutiny for having a similar system. But, in Oakley, MI donors can then apply to be reserve officers. - Watch now
Date: 03/13/2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton mystery woman, first first lady to be under criminal investigation inundated by scandals from Little Rock to Washington DC. Fast forward to today, Hillary’s private emails were all transmitted on a private server registered to her home in Chappaqua,New York while she was acting as The Secretary of State that oversaw the overthrow of Gaddafi, The Syrian Civil War, The turmoil in Egypt, and the Benghazi Scandal. Ironically, President Obama signed a law last November that requires government officials to direct their official correspondence through private email to a government account. As her circle of bitter clinging liberals rally to her defense, We can expect Hillary the train wreck to announce that she is running for the highest executive position in the United States? Why in the hell would America vote for this entitled, disingenuous, double-dealing woman for President? The only merits she has are scandals,lies, and an open relationship with the most evil pockets of power on Earth. She needs to finally pay the piper so Americans can send the message to the rest of the Nixonite Politicians that we are mad as hell and we aren’t going to take this anymore. But if she survives this latest debacle,Maybe her campaign slogan should be “Vote For Hillary, You think those were scandals? You ain’t seen nothin yet!” - Watch now
Date: 03/13/2015
Infowars Reporter Joe Biggs Breaks Down Homan Squares Newest whistleblower. Jose Gonzales has come forward in a Free Thought Project article where he said he was taken in a no-knock raid and held at Homan Square in Chicago Illinois. The police then threatened to inject him with heroin if he didnt tell them what they wanted to hear. - Watch now
Date: 03/09/2015
Stuffed Shirt Political Yahoo writer Matt Bai has declared that “Biden should run. Now.” Because it’s the only way to know what Hillary is willing to risk. Mr. Bai. Hillary is willing to risk everything. She already has. Whitewater? Travel gate? File gate? China Gate? Benghazi? Self Respect? But enough about Hillary. Let’s get down to anointing his supreme eminence Vice President Joe Biden. The creepy plagiarizing liar, hovering over what’s left of our bill of rights. With the 2016 Presidential election shambling down the ole spy grid inebriated on false promises that deliver high premiums. Meanwhile, President two face has crowned his cranium with his pen, phone, and our tax dollars as China and Russia ditch the dollar our grandparents fought to make almighty. America is on life support, we need a real American to stand up and take the reigns. Jon Bowne responds with a video letter to the editor. - Watch now