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The Jade Helm military exercise kicked off today and already the media is diligently beating away at "those crazy conspiracy nuts". They're all to happy to focus on some of the more unbelievable theories floating around, but not a single agency has discussed what we revealed months ago. You won't hear this from the establishment media because they are complicit in the cover up.
Jade Helm is more than a simple military exercise. If you understand the technologies, you will see that Jade Helm is more an intelligence operation using Geospatial Intelligence mapping.
The battlefield of the future is not going to be between Nation states, rather there is literally a war on for your mind.
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Date: 08/04/2015
With the clock ticking on 18 months left in his Presidency, President Obama is determined to cause considerable damage to the second amendment rights of the good citizens of the United States before he leaves office. The LA Times reported, “The push is intended to bring the Social Security Administration in line with laws regulating who gets reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, which is used to prevent gun sales to felons, drug addicts, immigrants in the country illegally and others. A potentially large group within Social Security are people who, in the language of federal gun laws, are unable to manage their own affairs due to "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease." Roughly 4.2 million will be dropped into the same database system that the Veterans Administration is using to come and take it. Determining whether someone is unfit to carry a gun will be open to sloppy interpretation as it could include those who don’t pose a danger to anyone, but may not be able to remember names quickly or balance their checkbook. Data bases are being created on every red blooded American whether you own a firearm or not. The New York Post reported, “Unbeknownst to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.” While our borders are wide open and we are increasingly under attack by foreign and domestic terrorism. Not by Veterans or Grandpa protecting his small piece of the American pie. But by radicalized muslim extremists and pharmaceutical induced psychotic Americans. Obama wants our guns? I can’t think of a time when Americans needed them more. And according to the recent explosion of gun sales, neither can Americans. - Watch now
Date: 08/04/2015
A recent Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage may soon allow pedophiles to argue they are suffering discrimination.In 2013 in California Congresswoman Rep. Jackie Speier, a Democrat, proposed federalizing a state law prohibiting counseling to change a person’s sexual orientation. The bill, according to critics, defines pedophilia as a sexual orientation and would afford the same rights granted to homosexuals. In 2014 The New York Times argued in favor of civil rights for pedophiles. Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, wrote for the newspaper that around one percent of people sexually attracted to children must “hide their disorder from everyone they know — or risk losing educational and job opportunities, and face the prospect of harassment and even violence.” This is essentially the same argument used to mainstream homosexuality. - Watch now
Date: 08/04/2015
The Daily Mail cites a shocking Heritage Foundation study that the US military has become so depleted under Obama it is now only 'marginally able' to defend nation. On the heels of the Heritage Foundation study, the Obama Administration will cut as much as 40,000 troops within two years. The cuts will affect nearly every army installation in 2016 and 2017. But there was no mention by the Obama administration to cut the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest program, a program created to enlist illegal aliens. What kind of twilight zone reality are we in when the President of the United States is openly laying off American Citizens while growing an army of illegal aliens? And if that morale killer wasn’t enough to insult every American citizen that has fought for our country. Obama is supporting reform to shrink military pensions by 20 percent and ending the military healthcare system tricare, in favor of dumping the military onto Obamacare. As this total failure of Obama’s Commander in Chief authority rolls out, The cost of war in Afghanistan is draining the coffers of the treasury at a rate of 4 million dollars per hour. While the protection of the booming black market opium trade’s profits skyrocket. Impeachment seems to be the only real solution. A President as reckless as Obama deserves to be impeached at the tail end of his Presidency. It would speak volumes to the Globalists drooling over our sovereignty. - Watch now
Date: 08/04/2015
Weird internal school documents promote "metrosexuality" and 'gender spectrum'; refer to 'genderbread person' instead of 'gingerbread man'. - Watch now