January 31, 2013
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MSNBC Edit Deliberately Smears Gun Owners as Sandy Hook ‘Hecklers’
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Cable propaganda network deliberately edits out Sandy Hook family member asking gun rights advocates in audience a question --- MSNBC’s Martin Bashir claimed that supporters of gun rights attending a public hearing on Monday interrupted the testimony of Neil Heslin, the father of Jesse Lewis, who was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary. A selective edit of the 15 minute testimony deliberately portrayed the gun rights advocates as “hecklers,” by showing some six seconds, including statements regarding ‘the second amendment shall not be infringed.’What MSNBC chose NOT to show its audience was the fact that Heslin, who favors a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity clips, asked the audience during his testimony, “I ask if there’s anyone in this room who can give me one reason, or challenge this question: Why anybody in this room needs to have an — one of these assault-style weapons or military weapons or high capacity clips?” The response from so-called “hecklers” came in an orderly fashion only AFTER Heslin followed up on silence to his own question, stating, “Not one person can answer that question.”
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