September 13, 2013
Video Archives
SHOCK VIDEO: Texas State Troopers Openly Defy The Law and Confiscate Gun
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NOTE: Call DPS and let them know their public servants need to follow the law. (512) 424-2000
Friday the 13th must be defy the law day for the Texas Department of Public Safety. A legal lawful open carry rally at the capital became the site of a tyrannical abuse of power at the hands of our ignorant public servants. Terry Holcomb of Texas Open Carry was arrested for carrying a black powder pistol even though the act is perfectly legal.
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Date: 09/09/2013
What do members of the U.S. military think about the possibility of a war with Syria? So far, they appear to be overwhelmingly against it just like the rest of the general public. - Watch now
Date: 08/30/2013
Reading a hunting magazine in New York, may lead your doctor to consider you a threat. In a series of events, which amplify the fallacy of the "see something, say something," snitch program. Ulster County resident, Damir Juric's visit to the hospital destroyed his life. Think twice about reading gun magazines in New York, Big Brother is watching and if you are a veteran, Veterans Affairs doctors are purposely seeking you out to take your guns away, as noted in a recent interview with an unnamed VA psychiatrist in NY. They get a kickback of $3000 per veteran. If the veteran refuses to give gun back they get held in the psychiatric ward against their will. - Watch now
Date: 09/09/2013
Be prepared as they create excuses to take this country into war. Don't be surprised if it begins in Cyberspace. Cyberterrorism is real and the NSA has proved it. They have self professed that they have cracked every encryption code. That means our emails, our bank accounts, your business accounts, phones, power grids, water treatment supply and even foreign leaders information. Digital sabotage could play a significant role in an American military strike if Congress approves an intervention. Syria’s air defenses would likely be among the first targets of any cyberattack, the experts said. U.S. forces could trick the country’s radar system into seeing nothing as American jets passed overhead, or American engineers also could disable Syria’s power grid remotely while the intervention was ongoing, then bring the system back online. - Watch now
Date: 08/16/2013
We've reported on tvs and cable boxes spying on people, but add in the baby monitor and factor in that cars can be hacked too and what you have is the terror threat of the future. Cyber security should be as important as your second amendment right. Don't worry though...... the government has an enormous Military Complex to store all of our data to make sure you don't get out of line. - Watch now