October 08, 2014
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U.S. Ally Saudi Arabia Finances Worldwide Terror.
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The potential paradigm shift concerning key players on the world stage awaits the inevitable release of the classified 28 pages within the official 2002 9/11 commission report. In the name of National Security, Former President George W. Bush classified the portion regarding “specific sources of foreign support”.
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Date: 10/08/2014
August 2014's release of "The Congress" challenges the viewer to consider what the real outcome of the ultimate social fantasy will be. The film stars Robin Wright as herself, a successful Hollywood actress whose personal decisions have frustrated the Hollywood machine so many times that they no longer want to work with her. She is offered a contract to allow the company to capture her likeness and personality digitally but prohibiting her from ever working as an actress again. ‘The Congress’, based loosely on Stanislaw Lem's science fiction novel, "The Futurilogical Congress”, explores a possible future scenario that seems at times a little too prophetic. The result is a film that presents an archetypal warning which has been echoed by many great artists throughout the decades; once humanity allows itself to be consumed by fantasy and deception it opens the door to a totalitarian dictatorship. - Watch now
Date: 10/07/2014
While the CDC issues a warning to healthcare workers to "be afraid", the TSA and other agencies aren't protecting the homeland from a potential terror attack by restricting air travel and securing the border. - Watch now
Date: 10/07/2014
There are multiple cases where people defending themselves fired a warning shot and ended up in handcuffs. Anytime you pull out a gun be very careful how you use it. - Watch now
Date: 10/06/2014
Alex Jones has been talking about Fema Camp preparations due to indisputable documentation for years. This brief timeline of predictions and observations should serve as a warning. Tell your friends,family, and fellow humans....Infowars has been telling you the straight facts about the takeover roll out all along. Please check out the latest from guest host Paul Watson and David Knight to inform yourself and family. We can still be the "master of our own house" in the words of JFK if we ACT NOW! Be prepared. - Watch now