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Govt. agencies across the country adopt military tactics to fight anything that represents traditional America.
Shocking video provided exclusively to Infowars shows a Washington state sheriff’s deputy proclaiming that law enforcement
officers need armored military vehicles because of “constitutionalists” with firearms. Plus FEMA tells its agents that
the American founding fathers were terrorists.
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Date: 12/12/2014
Since 9/11, the globalist puppets have been dancing about their little stage conducting their rhetoric on torture. This rhetoric is tied to the Hegelian Dialectic. A mass mind control device to precondition the public. A fantasy, where we all believe our leaders are firmly in charge of what is right and just. Flip the script on that notion and the CIA's playbook reveals itself, A giant mind game presented to the average American superimposed on a massive infrastructure determined to cross the finish line on the END GAME. - Watch now
Date: 12/12/2014
The short term memory holed 48 hour media cycle would have us all brush aside what transpired in Washington DC on tuesday (December 9, 2014). A few soundbites here and there and then treason is quietly put on a shelf to collect dust, awaiting the next debacle. We don't forget here at Infowars. Especially when the entire population of the United States has been insulted by one of the globalist's minions. Now that the 48 hour cycle has rolled on out of the dinosaur media's door, here are highlights from the treasonous mouth of one Jonathan Gruber, MIT Professor, Architect of the giant tax known as Obamacare. For us to never forget and refuse to allow to repeat as we seek to have the economy crippling health care law eliminated. - Watch now
Date: 12/10/2014
As Feinstein released her censored report on CIA torture, those on the left who said they wanted Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their minions held accountable have thrown in the towel. And you won’t believe why! - Watch now
Date: 12/09/2014
Jonathan Gruber co-authored a study in 1997 that determined that since the legalization of abortion, the U.S. government save upwards of $14 billion in welfare benefits. The paper argues that the abortion of "marginal" children is a social good. This is the man responsible for drafting the nation's healthcare law. - Watch now