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Two spokesmen of the drill have been captured on camera contradicting themselves.
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Date: 05/05/2015
MSM will gloss over the fact that an FBI informant was working with the deceased shooters who attacked the provocative contest for cartoon depictions of Prophet Muhammad in Garland Texas. But this has become the rule of the FBI via informants to recruit, incite and even provide bomb supplies to young, dumb individuals. Are we creating the terrorists we are supposed to be protecting ourselves from? How many liberties will we be asked to give up in order to keep us safe from the FBI and their army of informants? - Watch now
Date: 05/05/2015
If President Obama, The IMF, The WTO and legions of New World Order stalwarts have their way. Your job, your children’s future, and the future of the United States will be assimilated to the corporacratic borg. Obama is diligently attempting to get the Trans Pacific Partnership passed. Corporations are heavily lobbying for the deal as legislative sycophants, pawns of their corporate masters, like John Boehner, rally support for a trade agreement that will make NAFTA look like child’s play. Backdoor job killers like the H1B visa work program are chipping away at the U.S. jobs economy. Disney recently dropped the gauntlet on excellent higher paid American workers, replacing them with IT workers from India at the Walt Disney Parks And Resorts. The level of greed being displayed by the major players of The Partnership For A New American Economy will only result in a catastrophic broken American dream. - Watch now
Date: 05/05/2015
Sources are saying that Freddie Gray died as a result of slamming his head inside the police van he was being transported in. The medical examiner says the wound matched the bolt in the area of the van Gray was held in. The autopsy reveals that there is no evidence that Gray hit his head on his own and also, that the injuries gray sustained were exactly like those of someone that had been in a major car accident.It appears Gray may have been subjected to the police brutality tactic known as a “Rough Ride”. In a rough ride, suspects are usually handcuffed in the back of the vehicle without being secured by a seatbelt. They are then assaulted by the erratic driving of the police van driver. One sharp turn or sudden stop can do as much or more abuse than an actual physical assault. The abused prisoner is then faced with a "he said she said" situation. Freddie Gray died from a massive spinal injury on April 19, 2015. 30 detectives have been assigned to the case since. Still there are no definitive answers. Baltimore PD has now turned the investigation over to the Baltimore State’s Attorney Office. Meanwhile protests are raging across the country there have been demonstrations in Philadelphia,Boston,Chicago,Denver,Houston,Minneapolis,New York,Ferguson,Missouri. More are underway in Seattle,Portland, Oregon and Oakland, California. It may appear that justice is being served in Baltimore . Peeking under the table laid out for the American populace reveals a full on staging of United Nations Intervention. - Watch now
Date: 04/29/2015
Homicide convictions nationwide are being stayed due to a 2012 inquiry by the FBI that is reviewing almost 3,000 homicide cases from 3 decades ago that used what is being called junk science to determine the guilty party using forensic analysis of hair samples. The FBI has acknowledged "Nearly every examiner in its elite forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants in over more than a two-decade period before 2000." Pop TV Culture would have you believe that this science is legitimate. Entire shows hinging on the expert scientific evidence given by federal forensic analysts. A prime example of the use of propaganda to sway the public’s perception. What has transpired at the FBI is nothing less than a complete breakdown of justice. - Watch now