March 22, 2012

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The Alex Jones Show - March 22, 2012

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Former presidential candidate, founder of the U.S. Labor Party and co-founder of

the Schiller Institute in Germany, Lyndon LaRouche talks with Alex on the Thursday, March 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Mr.

LaRouche talks about Obama's martial law executive order and other recent political developments. Alex also welcomes to the show Joe

Plummer, author of Dishonest Money: Financing the Road to Ruin, now available at the Infowars Store. The book explains how the elite

are using our fraudulent monetary system to weaken the United States and usher in authoritarian world government. editor

Kurt Nimmo joins Alex in-studio to talk about LulzSec and Anonymous and their threat to take down the internet. Alex also covers the

latest news and takes your calls.

The Alex Jones Show

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