May 11, 2012

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The Alex Jones Show - May 11, 2012

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Mike Adams presents a Fukushima mega-meltdown special on the Friday, May 11

edition of the Alex Jones Show. Adams talks with Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer of energy consulting company Fairewinds

Associates and a former nuclear power industry executive. Mr. Gundersen continues to warn about the cataclysmic potential of the

damaged Fukushima nuclear plant and is now warning about serious problems at the San Onofre nuclear plant in San Diego. Mike also

talks with Len Saputo, a board certified doctor of internal medicine and the founder of the Health Medicine Forum, a non-profit

educational foundation. Dr. Saputo will talk about health issues related to the Fukushima disaster. Mike interviews Melinda Olson, a

Minnesota mom who received a harassing letter from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for allegedly violating food-handling

regulations. Olson says she plans to ignore the state's warning.

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