August 05, 2012
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The Alex Jones Show - Sunday Edition - August 5,
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Today on this live Sunday edition, guest hosts and Infowars crew members Aaron
Dykes and Rob Dew take on the open hypocrisy of Western forces admittedly allying with, aiding, arming and otherwise cheering on al
Qaeda in the attempt to topple Assad's regime in Syria, while destabilizing Iran and other opponents in the region. Then, Alex Jones
joins by phone with breaking news about attempts to bring martial law to Texas, and further merge military and police in violation of
Posse Comitatus, this time against the supposed threat of IEDs and roadside bombs in the homeland. It's all part of the Orwellian
attempt to flip the script on terrorism and occupy America, demonizing its patriots as domestic terrorists and hardening the total
takeover. On the Edge host Max Keiser and Alex also discuss the myriad of issues eroding away our remaining civil liberties-- from
rain water collection, to Monsanto and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the rights of the people are being transferred to offshore,
globalist corporate interests bent on total domination.
The Alex Jones Show
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