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Be What You Were Meant To Be
This is Alex Jones' Infowars Unleashed. Behind the scenes rants and commentary. Go on a journey inside the Infowar
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Date: 03/22/2013
On the March 21, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: Monsanto Protection Act Proves Corporations More Powerful Than US Government. We Have 1 Week to Stop Genetically Engineered Foods and Destruction of the Separation of Powers. GM salmon rejected by Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Aldi and other food retailers. Big Sis Refuses To Answer Congress On Bullet Purchases. Special Report: Conspiracy Theories SXSW - Watch now
Date: 03/21/2013
On the Thursday, March 21 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the unfolding situation in Syria as the U.S. “elects” a new Syrian leader, moves to support al-Qaeda and a gruesome video surfaces showing the beheading of a civilian by the so-called “rebels.” Alex also covers the latest on efforts by the gun-grabbers to take down the Second Amendment and the Department of Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano's refusal to answer questions on bullet purchases by the agency. On today's show, Alex talks with Jon Rappoport about the alleged assassin James Holmes, mind control, the CIA and MKULTRA. Alex also talks with New York Times-bestselling author and investigative journalist Greg Palast about the banker heist. Palast is the author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Billionaires and Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps. - Watch now
Date: 03/21/2013
On the March 20,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: InfoWars Nightly News March 20, 2013 Hosted by Melissa Melton Nigel Farage Message To Europeans: “Get Your Money Out While You Can”. North Korea Eyed in Huge Cyber Attack on South Korea. North Korea Vows Military Action Against More U.S. B-52 Flights. Feinstein Vows Not to “Play Dead” on Anti-Second Amendment Bill. Family Says New Jersey Overreacted To Boy’s Gun Photo On Facebook. Special Report Melissa Melton. New drugs and Gun Regulation. Obama ‘ethics panel’ gives thumbs up to testing anthrax vaccines on American babies. Special Report: Infowars asks,would the TSA be alright with SXSW attendees? - Watch now
Date: 03/20/2013
On the Wednesday, March 20 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the Chase bank glitch that left customers with zero balances, and breaks down why Sen. Feinstein's aggressive gun control bill may have intentionally been doomed to fail. Alex also analyzes the prosecution of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia abortionist charged with snapping the necks of newborn babies with scissors, whose defense says he's being unjustly prosecuted because he's black. On today's show, Alex is joined by top researcher Rosa Koire, a veritable expert on the creeping takeover of cities and states under the paralyzing guise of the buzzword “sustainability,” and author of Behind the Green Mask: U.N Agenda 21. We'll also hit on Obama's trip to Israel, S. Korea's cyber-attack and other key news items. - Watch now