June 02, 2013
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Sunday: The Alex Jones Show. Onward to Watford. Plus, Citizen Activist Journalism 101. And Joel Skousen Examines The Benghazi and IRS Scandals.
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On the Sunday, June 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex takes a look back at some of his recent best episodes before embarking for Watford, England to report on the secretive Bilderberg group's 2013 meeting. We'll review Bill O'Reilly's subliminal propaganda piece, subtly demonizing Alex Jones as "hate speech." We'll also hear from two of the most bold citizen journalists and activists of our time: author and social analyst Mark Dice, whose videos have exposed America's zombie-like mental state, and We Are Change reporter Luke Rudkowski, who recently confronted globalist minion Henry Kissinger. Joel Skousen, author of The Secure Home and Strategic Relocation, consultant and editor of World Affairs Brief also gives key analysis of Benghazi-gate and the IRS scandal.
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