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Alex Jones Infiltrates Bilderberg by Boat
This is Alex Jones' Infowars Unleashed. Behind the scenes rants and commentary. Go on a journey inside the Infowar
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Date: 06/08/2013
On The June 7, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Actor Peter Shinkoda talks about the illuminati influence in Hollywood and the emerging global technocracy. News Covered: A Watford welcome for the Bilderberg group - the world’s most powerful club. Bilderberg 2013: Friendly Policemen, a Press Zone and the One Show. Alex Jones Infiltrates Grove Hotel by Boat. David Petraeus At Bilderberg to Craft “Big Data” Spy Grid. David Cameron to attend Bilderberg group meeting. NSA taps in to user data of Facebook, Google and others, secret files reveal. Spy state shock: Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, Skype, AOL, Apple all sharing user communications with NSA. U.S. mining data from 9 leading Internet firms; companies deny knowledge. Florida Sheriff Arrested After Defending Second Amendment. Monsanto faces third lawsuit regarding rogue wheat. - Watch now
Date: 06/07/2013
On this Friday, June 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex and the Infowars team confront the globalists secreted away at the Grove, a swanky luxury resort in Watford, England. British Prime Minister David Cameron attends the cabal proceedings this evening and former CIA Director David Petraeus presents details on the “big data” spy grid which is set to become the new frontier of clandestine statecraft as internet connectivity becomes ubiquitous. David Knight hosts the show from Austin, Texas and author and presenter David Icke provides analysis and covers the unfolding events with Alex and crew as the Bilderberg confab enters its second day. - Watch now
Date: 06/06/2013
On the Thursday, June 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars officially kicks off coverage of Bilderberg's 2013 meeting which starts today in Watford, England, as hundreds of protestors descend upon designated free speech zones cordoned off by a massive ring of steel and patrolled by tax payer funded police. We'll also be getting live up to the minute updates from Alex and crew on the overt Bilderberg police state, and report any sightings of so-called elite touring the grounds of the Grove hotel. Infowars Nightly News anchor David Knight holds down the Austin, Texas command base, discussing Obama's latest scandal – the NSA's collection of Verizon customers' call data, and a drone operator's account of being haunted by the deaths of thousands he's remotely killed. - Watch now
Date: 06/07/2013
On The June 6,2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Rob Dew speaks with Critical Infrastructure Consultant James Knox. Massive Police Operation in Effect as Bilderberg Confab Convenes. Yes, We Do Have A Right To Know What’s Going On At Bilderberg. Clinton Adviser Vernon Jordan on Bilderberg: "We Don't Want Any Press". Bilderberg Member Set to Speak on Record. Would-Be World’s Biggest Oil Merger Agreed at Bilderberg. MAINSTREAM MEDIA FAIL TO BREAK EVEN ONE OF FOUR OBAMA SCANDALS. Dept. of Homeland Security: Laptops, Phones Can Be Searched Based on Hunches. Now FBI wants back door to all software. Phone Sex, Banks & Google for Emails: The NSA Spying Is Bigger Than Verizon. Flashback CIA Chief: We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher. How Outraged Should You Be About the NSA Grabbing Your Phone Logs? - Watch now