June 12, 2013
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Wednesday: The Alex Jones Show. The Tyrannical Whistleblower Witch Hunt and The Aggressive Deconstruction of Our Founding Document: Our Beloved Constitution.
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On the Wednesday, June 12 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to break down the NSA spy grid scandal shoved into the mainstream spotlight by a 29-year-old NSA contractor now taking refuge in Hong Kong, from which he plans to disclose more details on U.S. surveillance targets. Alex examines the massive criminality and brazenness of those actively working to deconstruct the Constitution, who at the same time attempt to convince us that, in order to preserve liberty, more security is necessary. On today's show, we'll listen to former Congressman Ron Paul's defense of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, who is surprisingly being labeled a 'traitor' by members of the Republican party. We also welcome journalist and author Wayne Madsen to give his take on the giant whirlwind of scandals.
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