June 19, 2013
Video Archives
Tuesday: The Nightly News. Welcome to Obama's America, Employment Up Wages Down. Plus, Lee Ann McAdoo Speaks with Award Winning Investigative Journalist Russ Baker about Obama's Unwillingness to Unravel The Surveillance Grid.
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On The June 18, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo Speaks with Award Winning Investigative Journalist Russ Baker about Obama's Willingness to Unravel The Surveillance Grid and New Information on The Boston Bombings.
News Covered:
NFL to ‘Enhance Public Safety’ by Implementing ‘Clear Bag’ policy.
NORAD’s Falcon Virgo Exercise Rolls Out in D.C. Today.
Most workers hate their jobs or have 'checked out,' Gallup says.
Ex-McDonald's worker sues franchise that required fee-based payroll debit cards.
Half Of College Grads Are Working Jobs That Don't Require A Degree.
Student Loan Defaults Rising Despite a Way Out.
America's Jobs Dilemma: Employment Up, Wages Down.
Police arrest dozens in raids across Turkey after protests.
Turkish man inspires hundreds with silent vigil in Taksim Square.
NSA Leaker Edward Snowden: I'm No Chinese Spy.
Nightly News with Alex Jones
Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday
Show status: Off Air
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