July 11, 2013
Video Archives
Wednesday:The Nightly News. Our Criminal Culture. Wrist Slapping For The Heinous, Rib Cracking For The Noblest. Where Has Our Country Run Off To?
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On The July 10, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News.
News Covered:
Adam Kokesh Raided By “Storm Trooper” Cops.
Activist arrested after loading shotgun in Freedom Plaza.
An article That only talks about Kokesh having mushrooms, as if they knew or had a search warrant.
David Gregory excused.
Patriot Football player civilly arrested.
Democratic aide brings gun into courthouse, receives ticket.
Jon Corzine will not face criminal charges over MF Global.
Some cities with traffic cameras give pass to Iowa governor's SUV, whose plates aren't on file.
Feds Expose Subway Riders to Chemical Gas, Admits Ignorance to Health Effects.
Bonuses Given to Bank of America Employees for Home Foreclosures.
Obama orders government workers to spy on one another.
Poll shows “Massive Swing” In Public View Of Terror/Liberty Trade Off.
United Stasi of America Lightart Protest Projection U.S. embassy in Berlin.
The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11.
Nightly News with Alex Jones
Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday
Show status: Off Air
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