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Gun suppressors are not the whisper tools of assassins as movies would have you believe. They decrease recoil and make the discharge sound hearing safe.
Suppressors are the most heavily regulated firearm accessory but that hasn't stopped legislators from coming after them.
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Date: 10/14/2013
On this Monday, October 14, edition of the Alex Jone Show, Alex interviews guest Brian Aitken, a media and marketing entrepreneur who was arrested and imprisoned for possession of handguns legally purchased in Colorado and transported in New Jersey from one residence to another. His case has become the battleground for gun control advocates and opponents after he was sentenced to 7 years in prison. Alex also talks with Master Sergeant C.J. Grisham, a prominent military blogger and founder ofA Soldier's Perspective, who is currently embroiled in a battle to defend his Second Amendment rights after he was arrested in Temple, TX for “rudely displaying” a hunting rifle while on a hike with his 15-year old son. Grisham's case is still on-going, but he's scheduled to appear in court soon. Alex will also breakdown the latest on the government shutdown, the veteran's D.C. protest, and the chaos that emerged just hours following a computer glitch which caused Americans' food stamp cards to be shut off and then reopened with unlimited balances. - Watch now
Date: 10/15/2013
On The October 14, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones Hosts & We Interview Ken Webb of Change Da Channel. News Covered: Radio Host Michael Savage Calls For Answers Over Missing Nuke Report. Feds Order Barricades Back Up at WWII Memorial. Malala Confronts Obama, Says Drone Strikes Are Fueling Terrorism. The U.S. Has REPEATEDLY Defaulted. EBT Card Food Stamp Recipients Ransack Wal-Mart Stores. NSA Gets Green Light from Secret Court. Patriot Act Author Prepares Bill To Put NSA Bulk Collection ‘Out Of Business’ - Watch now
Date: 10/13/2013
On this Sunday, October 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest momentous developments in the Million Vet March in Washington as outraged veterans tear down “barrycades” and move on the White House, a development that has the government up in arms and deploying snipers and riot police in response. Alex also takes a look at the EBT welfare snafu as government IT fails stupendously and millions of “beneficiaries” of the state are left high and dry, unable to buy food, a situation blamed on the same sort of computer glitch that has hobbled the Obamacare registration fiasco. Alex covers other news items of import and takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Date: 10/12/2013
On The October 10, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones Hosts & We Interview Anthony Gucciardi. News Covered: Top Nuke Commanders Terminated Following Missing Nuclear Warheads. TSA Loudspeakers Threaten Travelers With Arrest For Joking About Security. Obamacare Sign-Up Crash: What’s Really Behind It? NBC Poll 60 Percent Say Fire Every Member Of Congress? Google Chrome's Cache Exposes Personal Data. Google Sets Plan to Sell Users’ Endorsements - Watch now