December 23, 2013
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It's A Wonderful Lie - 100 Years of the Federal Reserve
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As we look back over the past hundred years, America has experienced the Great Depression, multiple recessions, stagflation and the loss of 99% of the dollarʼs purchasing power - none of it wouldʼve been possible without the Federal Reserve, creating bubbles and bursting them, enslaving us with debt and destroying our purchasing power through inflation
Yes, itʼs been a wonderful lie — for the banksters
And many Americans are left like George Bailey. Facing the collapse of their dreams and financial ruin
There are striking parallels in Frank Capraʼs Itʼs a Wonderful Life to lies and tricks of the modern banker elite. Human nature doesnʼt change and the greedy elite of 1913 and 2013 look much like Potter
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Date: 12/26/2013
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