April 01, 2014
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Tuesday: The Alex Jones Show. Obamacare Deadline Is Here Appropriately On April Fools Day, Bait and Switch. Plus, Secret Of Malaysia Flight 370: Brain Heist!
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On this Tuesday, April 1 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex returns to the airwaves to break down the day's important news stories, including the flawed roll-out of government healthcare at gunpoint, details on the impending Bilderberg globalist shindig in Denmark, and thecontinuing crisis over Ukraine as NATO and the United States up the ante and prepare for war. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex welcomes former comedian and political activist Dick Gregory back to the show. Gregory played an instrumental role in the 1960s Civil Rights movement. He ran for mayor of Chicago in 1966 and the presidency in 1968. He is the author of numerous books, including Murder in Memphis: The FBI and the Assassination of Martin Luther King and No More Lies: The Myth and the Reality of American History.
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