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Alex dissects the greatest hoax of the century, "Man Made Global Warming" in this exclusive special report.
Contrary to major media reports, the Arctic & Antarctic ice sheets have seen record growth year after year. After blatantly lying to the public in the face of hard science, so called "experts" are now calling for a "crackdown" on climate change skeptics who dare to question the "consensus" that man made global warming is not man made. Not only do they seek to tax us at every turn in the name of global warming, now too they seek to silence anyone that disagrees. In the face of many real environmental threats such as genetic modification that damages our DNA, extreme over fishing and toxic waste dumping; the environmental movement has been hijacked in the name of Al Gore carbon taxes. In fact the single greatest threat to humanity across the ages is despotism and democide, but don't expect the government to tax itself anytime soon.
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