May 29, 2014
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Thursday: The Alex Jones Show. CONFIRMED: Obama Preps Drones And Troops For War Against American Citizens. Plus, Caught On Camera: Bilderberg Police Beat Detained Reporter.
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On this Thursday, May 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex begins extensive coverage of Bilderberg's 2014 meeting as the global power brokers begin arriving at the Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen today. Infowars reporters David Knight and Paul Joseph Watson are streaming video live from Bilderberg and they are breaking down key developments as they occur by the minute. The police are continuously arresting protestors and hotel security has completely surrounded the complex with thick concrete barricades. They've even covered the hotel's windows with privacy film to keep journalists - and the taxpayers paying for the event - in the dark about the sinister agenda going on inside. Themainstream media has slowly began to cover Bilderberg, albeit with limited puff pieces so far.
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