June 03, 2014
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Tuesday: The Alex Jones Show. Eric Holder to Create ‘Homegrown’ Terrorism Task Force. Plus, Federal Government Uses Preemie Babies as Guinea Pigs.
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On the Tuesday, June 3 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Jones continues examining the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, as the mystery behind how he fell into enemy hands widens. Jones also questions whether Obama committed an impeachable offense by refusing to consult Congress prior to authorizing the trade for five terrorist Guantanamo Bay detainees. On today's show, Infowars reporters David Knight and Paul Joseph Watson give a run down of last week's Bilderberg 2014 conference, where elitist world leaders of all persuasions convened in secrecy to reach consensus on globalist affairs. In the third hour, radio host and head of news at The People's Voice, Richie Allen, joins the program for an expanded discussion on Bilderberg, the European Union, how 9/11 and 7/7 served as his calls to action and the corporate ownership of media.
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