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While the CDC issues a warning to healthcare workers to "be afraid", the TSA and other agencies aren't protecting the homeland from a potential terror attack by restricting air travel and securing the border.
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Date: 10/07/2014
There are multiple cases where people defending themselves fired a warning shot and ended up in handcuffs. Anytime you pull out a gun be very careful how you use it. - Watch now
Date: 10/08/2014
On The October 7,2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo details US Military Sets Up African "FEMA" Camps. While the U.S. Government attempts to dampen pandemic fears in America, drastic measures are being taken to quarantine Ebola patients in West African nations. US will up ebola screening procedures. Dallas Schools install fever readers. CT gov declares state of emergency. Step-daughter given all-clear to go back to work. Nurse was wearing protective suit. EBOLA EXPERTS WORRY VIRUS MAY SPREAD MORE EASILY THAN ASSUMED. Cop smashes through window and tasers man who refuses to show ID. Military setting up Fema Camps. Saudis Cozy relationship with US Government in free fall due to effort to release 28 page report exposing them. - Watch now
Date: 10/07/2014
On the Tuesday, October 7 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, guest host Paul Joseph Watson breaks down the latest on Ebola, including updates on the Spanish nurse recently diagnosed with the virus, as well as the wider implications behind a possible global pandemic. Watson also examines America's expanding police state, citing an incident out of Illinois in which a police officer smashed out a family's vehicle window and Tasered passengers. On today's show, Watson invites former CIA insider Robert David Steele to explain his prediction that Ebola would be released in the U.S. two weeks before the first case was confirmed in Dallas, and to discuss how the public should take advantage of and participate in the open source revolution. - Watch now
Date: 10/06/2014
Alex Jones has been talking about Fema Camp preparations due to indisputable documentation for years. This brief timeline of predictions and observations should serve as a warning. Tell your friends,family, and fellow humans....Infowars has been telling you the straight facts about the takeover roll out all along. Please check out the latest from guest host Paul Watson and David Knight to inform yourself and family. We can still be the "master of our own house" in the words of JFK if we ACT NOW! Be prepared. - Watch now