December 15, 2014
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Sunday: The Alex Jones Show. Torture Comes Home To Roost: Our Moral Standing Obliterated. Our Global Perception Undermined.
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On this live, high-octane Sunday, December 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers an unprecedented video showing police admit their MRAPs and military gear are meant to take on Constitutionalists and gun owners. In other news, the Senate approved the $1.1 trillion budget deal last night, a budget so massive that it's actually six times larger than the estimated number of galaxies in the known universe. And the Senate is also considering a bill that would enact 'Cold War'-style political warfare against Russia in former Soviet states, including NATO propaganda broadcast in Russian. In energy news, oil may fall to $40 a barrel as OPEC tries to squeeze American shale producers out of the market.
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Since 9/11, the globalist puppets have been dancing about their little stage conducting their rhetoric on torture. This rhetoric is tied to the Hegelian Dialectic. A mass mind control device to precondition the public. A fantasy, where we all believe our leaders are firmly in charge of what is right and just. Flip the script on that notion and the CIA's playbook reveals itself, A giant mind game presented to the average American superimposed on a massive infrastructure determined to cross the finish line on the END GAME. - Watch now
Date: 12/12/2014
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Date: 12/13/2014
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Date: 12/12/2014
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