January 14, 2015
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Wednesday: The Alex Jones Show. Global Economy Careens Over The Demographic Cliff.
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On this Wednesday, January 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down how the federal government is exploiting the latest cyberattacks and the Charlie Hebdo shooting to seize total control over the population. A House Dem has reintroduced the CISPA "Cybersecurity" bill which encourages companies to share your private data with the government. And the TSA is now performing random bag searches of travelers amid the Charlie Hebdo attack. On today's show American economist, columnist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, breaks down the federal power grab as well as the latest in geopolitical news. Also, economic forecaster and author Harry Dent elaborates on the oil crash in which OPEC is artificially keeping production low to destroy Russia's economy.
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