April 29, 2015
Video Archives
Tuesday: The Infowars Nightly News. Mayor Ordered Police To Stand Down During Baltimore Riots
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On this Tuesday, April 28 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, general commanding national guard in Baltimore says, “This is not martial law”, Baltimore mayor key player in Obama’s federal takeover of local police, Rise of the new black radicals, Soros admits responsibility for coup and mass murder in Ukraine, PSA contains bizarre subliminal message about “Martial Law”, and more.
Nightly News with Alex Jones
Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday
Show status: Off Air
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Date: 04/28/2015
On this Monday, April 27 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Obama fights for cellphone kill switch and why is he prohibiting veterans from owning guns? Also on tonights show the school of the Americas is still exporting death squads and Obama shifts his pitch for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. - Watch now
Date: 04/27/2015
On this Monday, April 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the latest on the civil unrest and race riots in Baltimore, Maryland over the weekend, and the prospect of further violence and strife in the near future as the social and cultural underpinnings of America continue to erode and the National Guard and police prepare for more violence. We also cover an interview by Infowars editor and host Paul Joseph Watson on recent military drills in America aimed at dealing with domestic dissent. On today’s worldwide broadcast, we talk with economist, political commentator, and Second Amendment advocate John Lott, the author of More Guns, Less Crime, The Bias Against Guns, and Freedomnomics. We also talk with documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert. His film Dreams From My Real Father, an alternative Barack Obama "autobiography," offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President's life and politics. - Watch now
Date: 04/26/2015
On this Sunday, April 26 edition of the Alex Jones Show, protesters vow to ‘shut down’ Baltimore over Freddie Gray killing, Ukrainian neo-nazis nail rebel fighter to cross, burn him alive, Rand Paul tired of GOP "Retreating" on abortion, and the state says bakers should pay $135,000 for refusing to bake cake for same-sex wedding. - Watch now
Date: 04/24/2015
Obama’s Executive Amnesty 2015.Texas Congressman Lamar Smith dubbed it the worst “Prison Break” In History. Two years ago, ICE officials released into the United States, more than 36,000 illegals with 88,000 convictions under their belt. 200 convictions of homicide, 400 sexual assault convictions, 300 kidnapping convictions and around 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions. According to U.S. Census figures Illegals will account for 51 million of the U.S. Population a historic 82 percent of the population. Scarcity of Jobs For U.S. Citizens And Major Cultural Changes Aside. By 2023, One In Seven U.S. Residents could potentially have a criminal past overlooked by the U.S. Government. - Watch now