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Blood moons and eclipses are sensational, but have you heard about the 'Super Shemitah'? Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn explains The Mystery of the Shemitah, The Biblical Pattern Which Indicates That A Financial Collapse May Be Coming In 2015. Does a mystery that is 3,500 years old hold the key to what is going to happen to global financial markets in 2015?
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Date: 10/15/2015
The Washington Times reports liberal billionaire George Soros, has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations. The sad fact is, one of the 30 richest people in the world. Not an American Civil Rights leader. Is funding a divide and conquer movement that has disrupted political speeches, places of business, and the real progress Americans have made in the United States regarding race relations. Meanwhile, Soros has fueled the division in Ukraine. Meanwhile, our economy is on the economic brink. Meanwhile, all of our rights are under attack by our own government. And we are distracted. Of course all lives matter. Of course chanting pigs in a blanket will lead to executions. And of course being a minority has been and is a struggle. But inciting violence for the sake of violence is a trap. It only makes it that much harder for real black folks to thrive. Ultimately, the 13 million black babies that Soros supported being wiped out and the 41 % welfare spending increase Obama has brought us are the real steps backwards. And those ensnared by the violent elite engineered faux rights movement will eventually find themselves eager participants in a divide and conquer take down scheme of the American Dream funded by the very people responsible for the hostile environment the Black Lives matter movement is fighting to escape from. - Watch now
Date: 10/15/2015
According to Reuters, Russia has demanded Washington restart military to military cooperation to avert "unintended incidents" near Syria, at a time when U.S. officials say Moscow is building up forces to protect President Bashar al-Assad's government.” Of course, Assad is backed by Russia and openly blamed by the United States for attacks on his own people that just don’t add up. The Obama administration claims to be fighting ISIS, while plenty of evidence shows the Obama Administration has supported ISIS. Now, the hornets nest is stirring in Obama’s inner circle. The Guardian reports, Barack Obama’s intelligence chief, James Clapper is said to be in frequent and unusual contact with a military intelligence officer at the center of a growing scandal over rosy portrayals of the war against the Islamic State. James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, is said to talk nearly every day with the head of US Central Command’s intelligence wing, Army Brigadier General Steven Grove – “which is highly, highly unusual”, according to a former intelligence official. Grove is said to be implicated in a Pentagon inquiry into manipulated war intelligence. The giant lie 9/11 victim FBI Al Quaeda expert John O’Neill tried to expose is caving in on itself. Hundreds of Iranian soldiers have been sent to Syria to to help Russia defend the al-Assad government, according to the Israeli media. Rendering the Obama Administration’s sole purpose for truly being in Syria pointless.Ynetnews, reports that Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force, is cooperating with Russia. An Israeli military source told Ynet Iran’s stepped up military involvement in Syria is “due to Assad’s crisis and under Russian-Iranian cooperation as a result of a meeting between Soleimani with Russian President Vladimir Putin.” The claim has not been independently verified. - Watch now
Date: 10/15/2015
Samuel Cohen, the inventor of the Neutron Bomb went on to invent a Hydrogen bomb without the Uranium- 238. The Neutron Bomb would essentially increase the radiation output to as high as 80% without the massive destructive blast. The relatively small kill zone would spread into enemy troops liquifying their living tissue with the emitted massive dose of neutrons. In 1975, The Ford Administration, under the guidance of Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger, proceeded to build the ultimate weapon of mass human destruction. Protests and an arms race soon followed. Anti Nuke President Jimmy Carter dropped the program. But President Ronald Reagan eagerly supported it. However, support for the Neutron bomb had evolved by the time Reagan took office and military leaders were skeptical of its use on the battlefield and the potential it had to affect civilians. Plus, the bomb had only reached a small percentage of its intended neutron radiation output. The bombs were then dismantled by the Bush administration. Or were they? Back in 2012 UK Ex Defense Secretary Lord Gilbert suggested dropping a Neutron Bomb on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now, as President Obama gathers support for his one sided deal with Iran, the Saudis are waging a full scale campaign of genocide against the people of Yemen. Among the banned US Supplied cluster bombs used by Saudi airstrikes, there is now unconfirmed evidence of a Neutron bomb in play. Who is supplying these bombs remains to be seen, it could be the US, France, Israel, or China which has detonated at least one neutron bomb. The bottom line is, Obama’s pending deal with Iran will only increase the arms race in the volatile middle east. - Watch now
Date: 10/15/2015
Recently, the University of Texas pulled the Jefferson Davis statue from its campus because of an growing irrational fear of American history. On the Northwest axis of 3rd and D in the Nation's capitol is the Albert Pike statue. Dedicated to the leader of the southern jurisdiction of the scottish rite which Pike held for 32 years. He was also a confederate brigadier general. He was also the chief judicial officer and Arkansas Grand Dragon of the newly formed Ku Klux Klan. This is the only statue in Washington DC commemorating a Confederate soldier. So if the confederate flag is being denounced and Jefferson Davis and other confederate monuments are under consideration for removal. Why does this statue still remain? Simple, Pike is revered by the very occultic groups in control of the puppet government installed in Washington D.C. His illuminati predictions of three world wars have been the game plan followed to a tee by the global elite. Mason’s have long argued that Pike was not a member or founding father of the Klan. However, the 1905 Publication Ku Klux Klan ITS ORIGIN, GROWTH AND DISBANDMENT BY J.C. LESTER AND D.L. WILSON clearly lists Albert Pike as one of its founding members. This book was intent on glorifying the Klan and its origins. Hardly an effort to spread misinformation. If the case sticks, the Scottish Rite may find itself defending one of its founding leaders as a firestorm of controversy once again surrounds the shadowy legacy of masonry in America. - Watch now