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Who needs that old archaic Constitution and annoying Congress when you can tour the world on the taxpayer’s dime and trample their rights in the process, right Attorney General Loretta Lynch? No one except your band of cohorts were impressed when you went after a meaningless game as you tackled FIFA instead of throwing the bankers laundering the drug cartel’s billions under the jail. Kicking the proverbial soccer ball down the road.
Rather than present her case to the American people from any number of American establishments. Attorney General Lynch, basking in New World Order arrogance, bypassed the American people, bringing together a vile congregation to the Islamic High Council aka The United Nations. Speakers included the diligent socialist Mayor of New York Bill DeBlasio and Jordan’s High Commissioner for Human Rights Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein a Human Rights council that just made the xenophobic and brutal nation of Saudi Arabia a member to the Islamic High Council aka The United Nations.
This global police force was dreamed up by Professors from the Halls of Oxford and spearheaded by the New World Order Think Tank, the Institute of Strategic Dialogue. Now launched as of September 29, 2015 by our own traitorous government. It is described on the Strong Cities Network website as A global network of local authorities united in building resilience to prevent violent extremism. The Strong Cities Network will be spearheaded by an International Steering Committee of cities and local authorities selected from different regions across the globe.
Of course Muslim-Americans are complaining they will be targeted. But most Americans are well aware of who the real target is.
President Obama is desperately attempting to decrease the overwhelming amount of gun owners to create a level playing field in which the New World Order can thrive. But it was his own policies and arrogance that led to record numbers of Americans stockpiling guns and ammunition. Obama’s latest berserk executive order authority would impose new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers. Under the proposed rule change, dealers who exceed a certain number of sales each year would be required to obtain a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and perform background checks on potential buyers.
I’m sure the average American citizen contends that this all sounds completely unreasonable, considering the irony of President Obama’s increasingly transparent Administration that has blatantly waged war on constitutionally protected whistle blowers, clandestinely grown ISIS, and quietly aided a flood into the United States of Anti-American Islamic Extremist terror cells. Good luck America, we’re all counting on ya.
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Date: 11/24/2015
Of course its political. But the Democrats don’t like tasting their own poison. Notice we don’t hear the Democrats apologizing for the Justice Department’s targeting of journalists. Or The IRS’ targeting of conservative groups and Christian Organizations. Ranking member Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings' limiting the investigation to a simple political attack would mean that the American public suffers from mass amnesia. Back in 2013 The corporate media was forced to admit that the Benghazi attack was staged by a State Department hired jihadist security outfit in connection with an arms transfer to al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria. However, these facts were later deemed as speculation by the mainstream media as the Obama administration continues to the present day to cover-up the real reason for the murder of ambassador Stevens. Downplaying the incident and characterizing it as a non-event not requiring a congressional investigation and the impeachment of President Obama. The Obama administration announced in late September that “it planned to expand a program to secure and destroy Libya’s huge stockpile of dangerous surface-to-air missiles” and that “the U.S. State Department has one official on the ground in Libya, as well as five contractors who specialize in ‘explosive ordinance disposal,’ all working with the rebel Transitional National Council to find the looted missiles,”ABC News reported. In fact, the State Department, under the guidance of ambassador Stevens, was moving to round up the missiles and send them to al-Qaeda in Syria. Prior to this, in December, 2011, the U.S. claimed to have secured 5,000 surface-to-air missiles and destroyed them outside of the village of Sidi Bin Nur in Libya. Doubtless, instead, they became part of the CIA’s cache destined ultimately for ISIS in Syria. Hillary’s song and dance on Capitol Hill was a political sideshow, blatantly ignoring the CIA’s secret Arms Transfer Elephant in the room. - Watch now
Date: 11/24/2015
The global elite… our saviors, our masters, our Kings, Queens and Presidents. Drafting a New World Order in secret and publicly behaving like the privileged scumbags they truly are. Whether your a banker, a sheik or a connected politician, one thing is for sure. The rules don’t apply to you. NY Post reports “A Saudi Arabian prince is accused by three female staffers of acting like a bizarre party boy — engaging in a gay-sex act in front of them, threatening a woman’s life, demanding that an assistant fart in his face while others watched and declaring, “I am a prince and I do what I want,” according to a report.” Back in 2011 French Presidential Candidate shoe in and former IMF chief was arrested and charged with an alleged sexual assault and attempted rape in a New York City Hotel which was later dismissed only to be charged and acquitted of aggravated pimping in France earlier this year. Or the Delaware court’s decision to spare Robert H. Richards, the wealthy Dupont heir, a prison sentence. “Because he would not fare well.” His eight year prison sentence for raping his toddler daughter was suspended. The elite live outside of law and are creating a New World Order via the United Nations Climate Change Treaty in the words of Lord Christopher Monckton from The New American “I read that treaty. And what it says is this: that a world government is going to be created. The word “government” actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries.... And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.” They are coming from all sides as is completely obvious to anyone with ears or eyes to hear or read. As the Department of Justice, rather than focusing on the numerous Islamic Terror Cells in the United States or the threat crossing our borders. Will instead focus on returning veterans, Christians, and gun Owners through their newly formed domestic terror counsel. Prosecuting anti-government and hate groups, regardless of the First Amendment. CNN reports “Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, who oversees national security at the Justice Department, announced the new position -- the Domestic Terrorism Counsel -- following a number of violent attacks or plots against the U.S. that he said were motivated by "anti-government views, racism, bigotry and anarchy, and other despicable beliefs." This is how democracy dies. This is how ideas, opinions, and freedom are squashed in the noon day sun. This is how totalitarian criminals with zero real world experience in regarding their fellow human counterparts dismantle a government that has no room for their lunacy and cruelty. - Watch now
Date: 11/24/2015
74 combined years in prison, thats how Iceland’s Supreme Court and the Reykjavik District Court responds to those responsible for Iceland’s financial collapse. This brings the total to 26 bankers now behind bars in Iceland, with most being CEOs of large financial institutions, rather than low level traders. Most of those jailed will serve terms of two to five years, according to a report by Iceland Magazine, which notes that three executives at Landsbankinn and two at Kaupþing, along with one prominent investor, have been prosecuted. Their crimes include market manipulation, embezzlement, and breach of fiduciary duties. Their market manipulation destroyed the country’s economy and to this day Iceland is still having to repay the global loan sharks at the IMF, as well as governments of other countries, which kept the nation operating. Iceland Magazine explains that rather than protect and reward the very institutions responsible for the collapse, and the bloodsucking vermin that run them, the Icelandic government let them collapse, and then created a financial supervisory authority to strictly oversee the banks. The U.S. Congress gave American banks a $700 billion TARP bailout at the expense of taxpayers. Not one banker in the US has even been charged with a crime relating to the financial collapse, there is still virtually no regulation of the banks, and they are pulling in a near record $160 billion in annual profits, all from “money” created out of thin air. The Department of Justice under Holder and now Lynch continues to pretend to do the hard work associated with reigning in the financial criminal banking institutions laundering drug money and manipulating the U.S. economy. But fines and even penalties don’t send the message that the banksters received in Iceland. Jail the bankers and free the taxpayers from shackles of debt! It may be the most important meme the people of the United States could ever support. Jailing the bankers would bring the New World Order down like a house of cards. - Watch now
Date: 11/24/2015
You may have noticed CISA a version of the Cybersecurity bill passed in Congress with the Senate voting 74 to 21 to pass it. All in the name of cyber defense to protect the American people and more importantly Big Business from hackers. And thats all you need to know America, go back to sleep.What they didn’t tell you, was the NSA and big business slipped a trojan horse past the American people once again to allow them to spy on you. Yes…you. Wired magazine reports “…..Privacy advocates and civil liberties groups see CISA as a free pass that allows companies to monitor users and share their information with the government without a warrant, while offering a backdoor that circumvents any laws that might protect users’ privacy. “The incentive and the framework it creates is for companies to quickly and massively collect user information and ship it to the government,” says Mark Jaycox, a legislative analyst for the civil liberties group the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “As soon as you do, you obtain broad immunity, even if you’ve violated privacy law.” Even the Department of Homeland Security agrees that the latest CISA bill could sweep away many important privacy protections. Breitbart reports “Sen. , a Democrat who allied with Sen. to water down provisions of the Patriot Act this summer, said the bill “virtually gaurantees” that private information unrelated to cybersecurity will be shared with the government, and said that the bill was a “direct pipeline to the NSA.” The Senate rejected all of the privacy amendments that would protect the average citizens right to privacy. But how exactly did they do that. TechDirt breaks down the geek speak detailing the NSA’s Unconstitutional desperation to collect data related to innocent law-abiding Americans “...the NSA and FBI (and CIA, for that matter), frequently make use of backdoor searches of the upstream data -- a capability that was approved in 2011. Basically, the rules changed so that the intelligence community could sniff through data that was deemed collected "incidentally." And that includes basically anything that is picked up in the "upstream" collection of data (tapping internet backbone lines) under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act.... CISA is likely to be the key piece for letting the NSA and FBI warrantless spy on Americans' after the FISA Court limited that ability a few years ago. “ When a 2.8 billion dollar taxpayer funded JLENS Surveillance blimp becomes headline news. Those with eyes and ears clearly see a Criminal Surveillance State goliath out of control. - Watch now