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Alex Jones offers his review of the new James Bond film Spectre and how it is one the best in the 007 series.
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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is attributing the source of the soft invasion of European cultural devastation to billionaire George Soros and his circle of activists. Bloomberg reports Soros fired back. Claiming Prime Minister Orban “….treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” he said in the statement. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.” - Watch now
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As the Bilderberg puppets run civilization into an engineered grinding halt shielded by faux blameless compassion, things are getting dangerous. House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada said “We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can," Note to bleeding heart liberals that disagree with the previous statement from a man of action. - Watch now
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Date: 12/12/2015
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