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Nightly News
Date: 07/12/2016
On this Monday, July 11th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Report: the majority of Americans want Hillary charged for the email scandal. Then what role has social media played in reaction to recent tragedies? After that, should they change the name from self-driving to self-crashing cars? And the Dallas police chief says that cops are requested to do too much for the community. - Watch now
Wednesday: The Infowars Nightly News.Will Obama Tank The US Economy As His Last Dictatorial Decree
Nightly News
Date: 06/30/2016
On this Wednesday, June 29th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, The council in foreign relations argues the elite need to rise up against the mindless angry ignorant masses behind Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump, they still don’t get it we know what globalism is about. Then Donald trump says the next terrorist attack will be the Trojan Horse. It's not trump dividing the nation, but the old divide and concur tactic of the CIA coming home to America. And while many try to downplay illegal immigration our camera caught multiple groups crossing the US in a matter of hours, Jakari Jackson breaks down our broken border. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/25/2016
On this Friday, June 24th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, The World Reacts To Brexit, Brexit represents nothing less than a stunning populist revolt and a complete rejection of the political establishment. But don’t expect the elite to take this lying down. And Judge Blocks Cleveland Gag Order for Trump Groups. A federal judge has struck down the City of Cleveland’s free speech restrictions on Thursday which would have gagged Trump supporters outside the Republican National Convention. - Watch now