Channel: All
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/25/2013
On the live Sunday, February 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Ted Nugent pops in for a suprise phone call. Mr. Nugent covers the blatant truth surrounding the 2nd Amendment debate.Alex runs down a DOJ memo analyzing registration and ultimately confiscation of all firearms by the government under the auspices of a national “buyback” program and other schemes aimed directly at the heart of the Second Amendment. Alex also analyzes efforts by the establishment to exploit a racial war to take down America and set the stage for an authoritarian takeover. Alex also covers other important news stories and takes your calls. - Watch now
You're Crazy, Too
Special Reports
Date: 01/02/2013
Everyday medicine comes up with new mental disorders. These fraudulent "disorders" may soon be used to disqualify gun purchases. - Watch now