Channel: All
Nightly News
Date: 11/15/2016
On this Monday, November 14th, 2016 edition of the Infowars Nightly News,David Knight looks at shellshocked Democrats who weren’t able to fool the electorate again with their divide & conquer “diversity” and a GOP establishment that continues to pretend they don’t know what Trump’s Healthcare Reform looks like — even though it’s been published for over a year. - Watch now
Friday: The Alex Jones Show. Democratic Party Pedophile/Satanic Network Blown Wide Open By Wikileaks
Alex Jones Show
Date: 11/04/2016
On this Friday, November 4th, 2016 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, we look into Hillary Clinton’s ties to occult rituals, including “spirit cooking.” Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport reveals what this all means. Also NSA whistleblower Bill Binney explains what’s going on deep inside intelligence communities. And Dr. Steve Pieczenik explains the internal coup inside the federal government trying to take Hillary Clinton down. Tune in! - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 10/18/2016
On this Monday, October 17th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, With Wikileaks and Project Veritas exposing the corruption in the Democratic party, the establishment is trying to build up World War III with Russia. We also investigate who is really hacking into the DNC, and it does not appear to be the Russians. - Watch now