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Nightly News
Date: 10/01/2016
On this September 30th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Dead Democrats Vote in Rigged Election The FBI is investigating allegations of voter registration fraud after officials say almost 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people. GOP nominee Donald Trump told supporters in New Hampshire Thursday that he believes Monday’s debate was ‘rigged’, and that the media is continually fabricating stories about his campaign, quoting inside ‘sources’ who do not exist. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/07/2016
On this Thursday, September 7th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, You Won't Believe What Hacking Hillary's Emails Reveal after staging a Q&A with her chosen reporters, Clinton's convenient coughing fit surfaced just in time to curtail questions about the FBI's Labor Day data dump of the investigation into her private email server. Plus, Leaked documents from left-wing financier George Soros’s Open Society Foundations continue to reveal the extent to which the group has influenced the political response to Europe’s refugee crisis. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 07/30/2016
On this Friday, July 29th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, FBI boss James Comey is warning Americans that Islamic state killers are on the way and he says we can expect a terrorist attack of a magnitude greater than anything we ever have seen before. Meanwhile, Obama and Hillary continue to throw down the welcome mats for Islamic refugees. Then O'Keefe strikes a gain Project Veritas exposes the unraveling of democrats at the DNC as the Bernie mob attacks Hillary supporters. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 07/16/2016
On this Friday July 15th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, When trucks attack, leftist media outlets react to the devastating attack in nice. Not by blaming radical Islamic terrorist but by suggesting that the truck was responsible for the carnage. Then flash back to 2014, the Islamic state terror chief told his supporter to run over filthy french disbeliever with their cars. Plus the FBI and the DHS warn of violence and terror at the RNC. Meanwhile, Alex Jones and the Infowars crew prepare to depart for Cleveland. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/05/2016
On this Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we discuss FBI Director James Comey's recommendation for the Justice Department not to pursue charges against Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, despite "extremely careless" handling of classified State Department info. We also break down demand for “pain ray” weapons used during riot control situations growing as concerns over civil unrest continue to build. Author and WND editor Jerome Corsi joins the show to talk about how the Obama administration is stealthily attempting to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership and more. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/02/2016
On the Wednesday, March 2 broadcast of Infowars Live, Donald Trump wins big on Super Tuesday, putting him one step closer to winning the Republican nomination. War candidate Hillary Clinton also trounced Bernie Sanders, despite her track record and the role she played in the destruction of Libya. And former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says he will consider running for president if Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee. Antivirus developer John Mcafee joins the program today to discuss the FBI's attempt to force Apple to develop an iPhone backdoor. We'll also examine billionaire George Soros' visit to the White House, the ongoing European refugee invasion and take your calls on this worldwide edition. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 01/26/2016
On this Monday, January, 25th, 2016 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, What does Bloomberg’s promised entry if Hillary fails tell us about the global cabal and the rigged process? The last outsider to run for the presidency with large support (Perot) opposed NAFTA and now the globalists are concerned about Trump’s position on the next level of trade agreements that move us through the next step to global governance. The CPD (Commission on Presidential Debates) has been an establishment tool to control public access for independent and third party candidates. But now it is making plans to include a “serious” 3rd party candidate. A Harris County grand jury investigating allegations that a Planned Parenthood clinic in Houston illegally sold the tissue of aborted fetuses has cleared the organization of wrongdoing and instead indicted two anti-abortion activists behind the undercover videos that sparked the probe. Plus: The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency's investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 01/12/2016
On tonight Monday, January, 11th, 2016 edition of The Infowars Nightly News,Death by Algorithm: Software Labels Who is a Threat to Police. Now that the government has total surveillance, it is using the information in ways that are both illegal and life threatening — assigning a threat score that may be used by police to shoot first. And the recent arrest of a woman alleged to have committed multi-state armed robbery of jewelry stores shows that metadata can be more valuable to law enforcement than fingerprints or DNA. But is an all-knowing, all-powerful government more dangerous than any criminal or mafia? Is the Constitution Flawed? A Constitutional Convention of the states to address an out of control federal government has been pushed by talk show host Mark Levin and in the last week, Marco Rubio and Texas Gov. Abbott have supported the idea. FBI Probes Clinton on Public Corruption. Hillary pooh-poohed her latest "smoking gun" email proving her malfeasance, so will the FBI's Clinton probe into public corruption rattle the potential president? Records suggest the Clinton Foundation was little more than a slush fund for donors to pay for State Department favors during Hillary's tenure. When will the public have enough of corrupt politicians, or a better question, how much corruption is enough for one politician? - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/26/2015
On tonights Friday, September 25th edition of the Infowars Nightly News, The Obama white house has directed and FBI task force to put Alex Jone and the Infowars operation under surveillance, in anticipation of a potential raid. meanwhile Facebook censors one of our Infowars post again. plus speaker john Banners under pressure from conservatives in his own party announced his resignation today. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/25/2015
On this Friday, September 25th edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover a speech delivered at the globalist forum at the United Nations by Pope Francis following his speech before Congress where he sold out the principles of freedom. We also take a look at the hypocrisy of the pontiff for his remarks on open borders while the Vatican maintains a strict immigration policy and has a wall erected around its tiny sovereign state. Other topics covered on today’s transmission include the slow motion crash of markets around the world, the lie that Obamacare would lower health insurance premiums, and the latest calls by Black Lives Matter activists to kill white people and police. We also look at credible tips from two different sources that the FBI in coordination with the FTC is planning to raid at its central Texas command center as possible payback for attacking Obama and the Democrats. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/04/2015
On this Friday, September 4th edition of the Alex Jones Show, We take a look at Donald Trump’s GOP loyalty oath and Sen. Rand Paul’s belief it will be a disaster for the country. We also take a look at an Infowars special report on the British royal crown’s connections to the Nazis, the arrogance of Team Clinton as they refuse to cooperate with the FBI on the email server scandal, how the fall of the US stock market would take down the global financial system, and the continuing saga of Planned Parenthood and the reprehensible sale of aborted babies. On today’s worldwide broadcast we talk with alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and web entrepreneur Dr. Joseph Mercola and Tami Monroe Canal, the founder of March Against Monsanto. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/23/2015
Communists call for "Red Terror" murder campaign to exterminate America's Middle Class. "Conspiracy Theorists" are causing militants to abandon ISIS. FBI admits no major cases cracked with the Patriot Act snooping powers. And, a man holds an alleged carjacker at gunpoint until cops arrive. - Watch now