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Nightly News
Date: 05/26/2017
On this Wednesday, May 25th, 2017 transmission of the Infowars Nightly News, Things are heating up in the Philippines, as ISIS tries to take over part of the small island country. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/20/2016
On this Thursday September 16th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Obama: Mad Bomber for ISIS While Obama couldn’t bring himself to call the bombings in NYC, “bombings” & couldn’t call the stabbings in Minneapolis, “Islamic terrorism”, there was another bombing campaign this weekend that the mainstream media kept quiet — Obama’s bombing ON BEHALF of ISIS in Syria. What InfoWars said 3 years ago would happen — that the American military would be used in Syria as Al-Qaeda’s air force, was clearly demonstrated in the actions taken by the US military in Syria this weekend. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/01/2016
On this Wednesday, August 31st, 2016, of the Infowars Nightly News, Just weeks after Barack Obama labeled Donald trump a conspiracy theorist for suggesting that the election may be rigged the DHS say they are now considering a special declaration to take charge of the elections. Then more damaging revelations about Hillary Clinton from Wiki leaks . As new data outlines her unholy alliance of Saudi Arabia and the creation and support of ISIS in Libya. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 08/19/2016
On this Thursday, August 18th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Report: The U.S is moving nukes to Ukraine, Then how Saudi Arabia has been funding the Clinton campaign and one the Hills of some suggesting that trump should get fake intelligence the republican nominee say he does not trust intelligence agencies. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 08/13/2016
On this Friday, August 12th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Proof Hillary Wants To Take Your Guns, Even though she continually reassures us that she is not here to take the guns, leaked audio proves she intends to elect supreme court judges who will impose strict gun control measures. Also ISIS Sleeper Cells In Mexico Confirmed, Judicial Watch confirmed reports that ISIS is operating in Mexico. "An ISIS operative arrested and criminally charged in Ohio this month has confirmed that the terrorist group has cells in Mexico, according to federal authorities. Judicial Watch has reported this for years, documenting it in a series of articles as part of an ongoing investigation on the connection between drug cartels, corruption, and terrorism on the southern border. In fact, last spring Judicial Watch broke a story about an ISIS camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua." - Watch now
Thursday: The Infowars Nightly News.The CIA Finally Admits That ISIS Is A Credible Threat To The US
Nightly News
Date: 07/01/2016
On this Thursday, June 30th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, The TSA talks of expanding checkpoints far beyond the terminal wall. Then, Report: A Fast and Furious gun made its way into a Paris terror attack. After that, the FCC warn against internet regulation and the attorney general meets with Bill Clinton even though Hillary Clinton is under investigation. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/21/2016
On this Monday, June 20th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Barack Hussein Obama continues to protect Islam while attacking Christians. Meanwhile, the justice department releases an edited transcript of the 911 call from the radical Muslim tourist during the Pulse nightclub attack. Then Anti-Trump protestor migrates to Phoenix, Arizona armed with Mexican flags and a Giant inflatable Trump sporting a KKK outfit. Plus the candidate running against establishment puppet John Mccain says the senator is directly responsible for the rise of ISIS. Joe Biggs talk to Doctor kelly Ward. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/14/2016
On this Monday, June 13th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News,one of the largest mass casualty events in American history, booming calls for gun control even though the killer passed multiple background checks. and no time is wasted blaming conservatives for the action of the ISIS pledged murderer. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/20/2016
On this Thursday, May 20th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Has ISIS struck again? Egypt air flight 804 goes down after France intelligence warned authorities that it was clearly being targeted by terrorist. Then the California senates approve sweeping gun control measures. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton campaigns to repeal the second Amendment, And pope Francis says Jesus is like ISIS and says Muslims must breed with Europeans. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/11/2016
On this Tuesday, May 10, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, The queen of the establishment Hilary Clinton breaks in nearly seventy-five thousand dollars in campaign contributions from justice department employees, so how can we trust the DOJ to bring a case against her, this a is an urgent call for the appointment of a special council "Hillary For Prison 2016". Then the social justice warriors strike again police in manchester conducted a terror drill with a fake ISIS suicide bomber, shouting "allahu akbar” during a training exercise, what followed was a deeply offended Muslim community. Plus a warning to parents worldwide, sex-stortion of children on the Internet. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 04/27/2016
On this Tuesday, April 26th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Breaking news of an unholy alliance between the Mexican drug cartel and ISIS, as Islamic terrorist stationed in Mexico cross into the United States to explore American targets. Then a formerly transgender woman exposes the leftist Trans agenda. Meanwhile Social justice warriors in Austin vote to ban travel to states opposed to transgender bathrooms all that plus live coverage and analysis of the Presidential Primaries. - Watch now
Thursday: The Infowars Nightly News. Does ISIS Have A Dirty Bomb Or Is It Just More Fear Mongering?
Nightly News
Date: 04/01/2016
On this Thursday, March 31st, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, A top researchers claim ISIS may soon have nuclear capabilities. Then Hilary has a date...with the feds. After that the D.C. Madam sport an impressive clientele list and are Student Loans getting you down , Well you can apply right away to be a professional protestor. - Watch now