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Nightly News
Date: 11/14/2013
On The November 13, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson Hosts & We Interview Investigative Journalist Ben Swann. News Covered: HHS reports 106,000 have picked health plans through ObamaCare. Secret Globalist Treaty Threatens Internet Freedom. Seattle Police Deactivate Wi-Fi Spy Grid After Privacy Outcry. School’s New Spy System Places Children Under Complete Surveillance. Congressional Approval Sinks to Record Low. Afghan opium production hits record. Soros-linked Group Pushes Sex to Sell Obamacare. Bomb squad called to North Austin office building. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/18/2013
On the Thursday, July 18 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, David Knight fills in for Alex to discuss a survey released by the Newseum Institute that says 34% of Americans think the First Amendment goes too far in protecting our rights. He'll also be addressing the federal debt that's remained stagnant now for 56 days, and uncover the latest on Yahoo's claim that they've been fighting PRISM since 2008. On today's show, David talks with Sheriff Stan Lenic who has become an icon for defending the constitutional rights of activists who were passing out flyers at a New York airport and has now received the CSPOA Deputy Sheriff of the Year award. Also, David will talk with Kirsten Tynan of the Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) to discuss jurors' role in protecting our rights by refusing to enforce bad laws. Additionally, David will discuss Fox News' warning that Al-Qaeda could "hack into your car and crash it." - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 11/05/2012
NJ Weedman, Ed Forchion, defended himself against NJ's marijuana law -- and won a unanimous 12-0 acquittal. Ed represented himself since he couldn't find a lawyer who would tell the jury that the NJ Constitution says they have the duty to judge the law. From the beginning, Ed made it clear that he had violated the NJ law but educated the jury that they had a right and a duty to judge the law -- not just the facts of the case. The NJ Constitution explicitly states juries must judge the law, but the judge in the previous trial lied and intimidated to conceal the law. Nevertheless, that prior trial resulted in a hung jury (7-5 for acquittal). - Watch now