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Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/25/2017
On this Tuesday, May 25th, 2017 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Globalists Panic: Former President Barack Obama is giving speeches in Europe in a desperate attempt to upstage President Trump, but it isn't working. Clinton insider Larry Nichols reveals what's going and breaks news about the Watergate scandal never before revealed! Mike Cernovich also explains how anti-Trump operatives are fueling the leaks from the White House and now from the UK. And British journalist Tommy Robinson explains the aftermath of the Manchester attack. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/24/2016
On this Tuesday, May 24th, 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the continued meltdown of Glenn Beck as he blasts critics as “progressives on the right” and argues Facebook skews left simply because more left-wingers use social media. We also look into evidence revealing flight MS804 was taken down by an explosion and Facebook finally admitting “rogue” employees may have shown bias against conservatives. On today’s worldwide broadcast, we talk with political insider Roger Stone. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/24/2016
On this Wednesday, February 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s demand white Americans “recognize our privilege” and “ practice humility” as the racist group Black Lives Matter makes increasingly outrageous political demands. We also examine Trump insider Roger Stone’s accusation that he was banned from CNN on the orders of Clinton. Other stories include the death of the dollar as other nations trade in rival currencies and the weaponization of democracy. On today’s broadcast we talk with former Clinton insider Larry Nichols - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/16/2016
On the Tuesday, February 16th 2016, broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Obama are floated as possible replacements for Associate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, as we continue delving into the mysterious circumstances behind his death. And Britain First activists are threatened with a police raid and arrested after publishing a viral video showing members confronted by Muslims. On today's show, Clinton insider Larry Nichols gives his take on why there was no autopsy performed on Scalia, despite evidence of foul play. Reporter Richard Reeves also checks in from the campaign trail in South Carolina for an election update. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 11/12/2015
On this Thursday, October 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the latest politically correct insanity at Mizzou as activists call for racial segregation and the the race- based Marxist contagion spreads to Ithaca college. Other stories include the rape crisis in Sweden as illegal immigrants pour in and demand accommodations, a prediction on the death of cash by Apple’s CEO, and Syria threatening to take out a French aircraft carrier. On today’s broadcast we talk with Darrell Hamamoto, a Professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, about Cloward & Piven and the mass insanity of political correctness. We also talk with Larry Nichols about the plan by Republicans to oust Trump and Carson and work toward getting Jeb Bush elected president. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/27/2015
On this Thursday, August 27th edition of the Alex Jones Show, we take a look at the political fallout from the deadly attack in Virginia yesterday. Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump believes the problem is not guns and the Second Amendment, but rampant mental illness. Meanwhile, Obama declares guns worse than terrorism as Brit Piers Morgan once again goes on the war path against the 2nd. France and other European countries, faced with an unprecedented influx of illegal aliens, many refugees from the mercenary war in Syria, are preparing a military response to violent domestic disorder. On today’s broadcast we talk with former Clinton insider Larry Nichols Hillary tanks in the polls and Trump continues his ascendancy. - Watch now