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Special Reports
Date: 12/04/2014
The UN is pushing restrictions for gun ownership in America in the name of the Ferguson riots. What follows is a culmination of current events cooled by the wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King. Please be aware that we are well aware of white, hispanic, asian, etc…. racism here at Infowars. This report is not intended to be a one sided attack on Americans of African descent. It is simply an eye opening representation of where we are now and where we may be headed. We are all in this trillion dollar indebted boat together. The powers that be want it sunk. Don’t be fooled into giving in to hatred. Because if you do, you are gonna HATE where we all end up. Please open your mind and eyes and realize that a greater threat than skin color is moving its agenda forward to completely enslave all of humanity. The new world order is an equal opportunity genocidal be added... - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/29/2013
On the August 29 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex exposes evidence that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against its own citizens – pointed to by U.K. and U.S. governments as the rationale to impose strikes against Syria – as being flimsy, at best. Once described as “undeniable,” so-called proof that the Assad regime used chemical weapons is now being heavily contested at both the parliamentary and congressional levels. On today's show, Alex welcomes prolific YouTube video blogger Joe Mendez, recently the victim of a dubious arrest that led to his legal firearms being illegally confiscated, to discuss the expansion of the police state and the semi-covert war being waged on gun owners, journalists and influential bloggers. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/08/2013
Today on the Thursday, August 8 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex interviews the driving forces behind the Overpasses forObama's Impeachment campaign, James Neighborsand Dallas Thurman and discusses their mission to remove the corrupt and criminal President Obama. Alex will also talk with Green Party candidate, former Georgia State House Representative and activist Cynthia McKinney about the aftermath of the Trayvon riots. Alex will also discuss McKinney's new book titled “The Illegal War on Libya,” in which she set out to monitor NATO's purported humanitarian intervention where she witnessed NATO's assault on a helpless civilian population. Alex will also cover the latest on a Reuters report that exposed an IRS manual detailing a branch of the DEA used for “recreating investigation” trails, and utilizing counter-terrorism tactics in domestic drug, organized crime and money laundering cases. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 04/04/2013
The term "Conspiracy Theory" is used by mainstream media to devalue genuine questions and concerns citizens may have regarding political events. Well, what happens if these "theories" are answered with facts? No longer just a theory, but a conspiracy exists. On the 45th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we remind viewers that, according to our legal system, it is a fact that our government and other agencies were involved in a secret plot to assassinate Dr. King. - Watch now