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Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/30/2015
On this Wednesday, September 30th edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the Russian bombing of Islamic State targets in Syria and Saudi Arabia’s rejection of Russian involvement and its decision to beef up the jihadists attempting to overthrow the Syrian government and its leader, Bashir al-Assad. We also continue our coverage of the murderous insanity of Muslim immigrants and the liberal media’s attempt to shift the blame in the war of words over radical Islam. We also take a look at a move by Apple to shut down an app that catalogues U.S. drone strikes. On today’s worldwide broadcast we talk with “The Angry Foreigner,” a Bosnian immigrant who has achieved viral success with his videos criticizing the fallout from Sweden's open border policy and Theodore Morgan-Major, a researcher with Seele Team 6, a research team focused on the gaming industry and the GamerGate controversy. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 03/27/2015
Alex Jones uncovers one of the biggest and most dangerous issues in recent history, a Rosetta Stone that will decode the deception taking place throughout our world. As Russians build gigantic underground bunkers, spanning 400 square miles, the elite are planning their escape from America by purchasing airstrips, farms in places like New Zealand, and buying underground shelters in record numbers. As preparations for nuclear war intensify, the public is being told it's not a danger anymore. Get this emergency broadcast out to everyone you know before the time for action runs out. - Watch now