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Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/04/2016
On this Thursday, August 4th, 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, the desperate controlled media is attempting to claim Donald Trump will drop out of the race. We'll also contemplate, with political insider Roger Stone, ways the elite will try to keep Trump out of the White House, including the possibility of voter fraud. On today's show, Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe discusses the aftermath of the RNC and DNC, as well as upcoming projects. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen also breaks down the Trump Khan-troversy, and the military father's defense of Sharia law. And radio show host Gavin Mcinnes also joins us to look at Clint Eastwood's recent comments and modern day liberals at large. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/02/2016
On this Tuesday, August 2 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, we break down radio host Michael Savage's Facebook ban after he posted a story concerning a migrant refugee murder. We also look at new attacks on Trump supporters from leftists, and Trump's assertion that the "election is going to be rigged." On today's show, former Navy Seal and author Matt Bracken reveals the latest in the war on radical Islam. And in the third hour former Bill Clinton mistress Dolly Kyle discusses what the former president was like behind closed doors. You don't want to miss this broadcast! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/29/2016
On this Friday, July 29th 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Trump fires back after Hillary slams him during her coronation. We'll break down the last night at the DNC, Clinton's speech and protests outside, where Bernie supporters have been left out in the cold. On today’s broadcast, we speak with Bill Federer from about election 2016 and where he sees it all going. We'll also continue breaking down our coverage of the DNC, and take your calls during this global transmission. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 07/19/2016
On this Monday July 18th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, the unit establishment candidate Donald Trump is under heavy fire for picking a VP running mate who is anything but anti-establishment. Then Milwaukie sheriff David Clark launches a heated exchange with Don Lemon on CNN. and Alex Jones speaks live at the RNC rally in Cleveland. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 07/16/2016
On this Friday July 15th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, When trucks attack, leftist media outlets react to the devastating attack in nice. Not by blaming radical Islamic terrorist but by suggesting that the truck was responsible for the carnage. Then flash back to 2014, the Islamic state terror chief told his supporter to run over filthy french disbeliever with their cars. Plus the FBI and the DHS warn of violence and terror at the RNC. Meanwhile, Alex Jones and the Infowars crew prepare to depart for Cleveland. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/09/2016
On this powerful Monday, May 9th, 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into Sec. of State John Kerry’s criticism of Trump by telling college grads to prepare for a borderless world. At a commencement speech at Northeastern University, the globalist technocrat dismissed the importance of national borders. GOP insider Roger Stone discusses this and other establishment attacks on Trump, who’s populist message of nationalism is turning the tide against globalism. We also look into the upcoming surge of illegals in both the U.S. and Europe. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/12/2016
On this Tuesday, April 12th 2016 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, shock footage shows a ‘Black Lives Matter’ protester spitting in a Trump supporter’s face at an event in Albany, demolishing the media narrative that Trump supporters are violent and hateful. Also, Hillary agrees with a woman who claims "gun owners are terrorists," as she fights to win New York. On today's show, consummate insider Roger Stone breaks down the biggest election news he has ever revealed, and vows to answer "Lyin' Ted" Cruz's smears against him. Also, WND editor and author Dr. Jerome Corsi gives his analysis on the state of the election and where he sees it all going. We'll also take your calls on today's worldwide broadcast - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/06/2016
On this Wednesday, April 6th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the aftermath of the Wisconsin primary and how Ted Cruz is claiming he has momentum despite the fact the only chance he has at getting nominated is by stealing the election from the people’s choice: Donald Trump. GOP strategist Roger Stone explains the establishment’s latest strategy to block Trump and Dr. Ed Group exposes the mystery flu spreading across the country and additional health information. Tune in! - Watch now