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Alex Jones Show
Date: 06/15/2016
On this Wednesday, June 15th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the latest assaults on the Second Amendment, including a report that Academy Sports will keep a database on customers who buy so-called “assault rifle” ammunition. Special Forces op Tim Kennedy is live in studio to discuss the Second Amendment and ISIS sleeper cells in America. Also, whistleblower Philip Haney reveals how Hillary’s State Dept. blocked an FBI investigation into the Orlando killer’s mosque. Rob Dew & Josh Owens reveal the truth about the Islamic takeover of Germany - and how it can happen in the U.S. Tune in! - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 04/09/2016
On this Friday, April 8th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Clinton Campaign Panics Over Rape Allegations, Donald Trump could rock Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign with further evidence that former President Bill Clinton is a serial rapist. And Lackland Base Shooting NWO Policies Killing America's Finest Another shooting on a military base. As an apparent murder-suicided occurred when an airman shot his commanding officer. And Yet another pointless announcement that it wasn’t a terrorist attack. - Watch now