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Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/08/2016
On this explosive Sunday, February 7th, 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we break down last night's GOP debate and how Trump's pulling away in the polls as establishment hacks flop around like beached fish of a vanishing sea. Marco Rubio was exposed as a pre-programmed puppet candidate after repeating the same memorized line EIGHT TIMES during the debate. We also cover the truth about the Super Bowl, the latest news from our reporters on the ground in N.H., and what could be the next Fukushima disaster - but here in the United States! Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/13/2014
Special Rebroadcast Featuring Our Best Interviews With Joel Skousen, Gov. Jessie Ventura, & Technocracy Expert Daniel Estulin. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 02/11/2014
With all the mindless media distractions and hype surrounding the Super Bowl, even the mainstream media is being forced to report on the massive sex trafficking that takes place during almost every major sporting event. However they are failing to report on the widespread child abuse and sex trafficking that occurs within the inner circles of the elite and with sick pieces of trash like Jimmy Savile and Jerry Sandusky. Infowars points out that the people who cover this up and refuse to talk about it are just as complicit as those taking part in these vile disgusting acts. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 02/11/2014
In an extraordinary display of stupidity, NFL fans show just how decadent and foolish they really are. Infowars asks a list of meaningless questions about the NFL and the Super Bowl with almost complete accuracy from the fans answers. They then ask important and pertinent questions focusing on the Bill of Rights and The US Constitution and receive nothing more than hesitant mumbles and blank stares proving just how absent-minded and dangerous these people really are. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 02/11/2014
As Super Bowl fans scream and cheer for their favorite team, Infowars points out how useful this passion could be if it was used for something with meaning and purpose. The United States has already slipped under the control of a tyrannical government and the longer we continue to allow our minds and souls to be controlled by others the worse our situation is going to become. Infowars also points out the symbolism used during the half time show, such as the spinning pyramids being blasted on all the screens. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 02/11/2014
As the Super Bowl comes to an end, freedom and liberty in America follows close behind. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 02/05/2014
On The February 04, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & We Speak With Curator Jerry Petermann On The Deepening Nuclear Crisis. News Covered: Soros & Corporate Group Predicts Terrorism at Winter Olympics. Harvard Economist Fears Starting “Bank Run” on BoA by Withdrawing $1 Million. Elite insider predicts crash 2014. Dow Fallen 1000 points. Suicide rates to sky rocket. Super Bowl MVP Wears Illuminati Eye During Press Conference. Cops SWAT Innocent Family, Destroy Home Security Cameras To Cover Up Evidence. Govt. seized property for ‘economic development’ that never came. US to send robot to moon. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/04/2014
On the Tuesday, February 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down how the federal government overbearingly regulates small business owners to the point of putting lemonade stands and small time cupcake bakers out of business. On today's show, Alex welcomes Brian Tuohy, a leading expert on game fixing in sports and author of The Fix Is In, to discuss why multi-billion dollar industries like the NFL, MLB and NBA never leave their businesses up to chance. Alex also invites “Food Babe” Vani Hari to break down the victories she's acquired in her crusade to label GMO foods, and also to discuss her latest GMO labeling initiatives, including her recent Subway petition. Alex also reviews the latest debacles, the government's arbitrary seizure of private property under “eminent domain” and touches on fears of a U.S. bank run. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 02/04/2014
Epic Fails of Super Bowl Police State Law enforcement agencies ramp up security measures in preparation for Super Bowl CBS accidentally broadcasts Super Bowl security’s Wi-Fi password on national TV Super Bowl Hijack Proves Government Cannot Protect You Super Bowl Sunday Showed Us There is No Al-Qaeda Threat Unconfirmed reports of explosion in New York – gas leak said to be the cause Stop Resisting Execution: Cold-Blooded Arizona Cops Assassinate Suspect with His Hands in the Air How Many People are Killed by Police in U.S.? Who Knows? Super Bowl Security’s WiFi password broadcast, people let into Super Bowl without tickets — the police state looks like Keystone Cops. But the Police State is no laughing matter. Cops are increasing the violence against the public, without justification and without consequences. Press Not Interested That Winning Coach Has 9/11 Questions Is Pete Carroll A 9/11 Truther? SEAHAWKS COACH NOT ASKED ABOUT POSSIBLE 9/11 TRUTHERISM BEFORE SUPER BOWL NEAR WTC ATTACKS Decadence: Seahawks Fans Run Riot After Super Bowl Victory It was not widely reported that Super Bowl winning Seattle Seahawks’ Head Coach Pete Carroll had a lot of questions about 9/11 for the former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army when they met 6 months ago. And a thoughtful examination of the origins of the militarized security state was the furtherest thing from the minds of rioting fans in Seattle. See the Super Bowl FREE! Want to see the Super Bowl live, in-person, but can’t afford the steep price for tickets? No problem. The police state is so busy trying to impress you with its K-9’s and F-16’s that they don’t even check to see if you have a ticket. Super Bowl Bombed by Lone Informer Interview with Matthew Mills Desc: With all the millions spent on Super Bowl security, one lone wolf journalist without even a ticket takes the mic away from the MVP and gives the public an info-bomb. How did he do it? What does it tell us about security? With the scam exposed, will people be interested in examining the roots of this charade in 9/11? - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/03/2014
On this Monday, February 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the fraud of government security theater and the disappearance of civil duty as a concern for many Americans. Last night, a 30-year-old exposed the fallacy of the multi-million dollar Super Bowl security ring by penetrating it with a fake pass from an old music festival. After the Super Bowl, mass rioting broke out on the streets of Seattle. Unlike in Iceland and other countries where civil unrest breaks out over corrupt politicians and bankster behavior, Seattle residents rioted in "celebration" of the Seahawks' victory. Jesse Ventura, former Minnesota Governor and author of They Killed Our President, joins the show to discuss these latest developments, the current explosion in alternative media and the real news behind current events. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/03/2014
On this Super Bowl Sunday, February 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the unprecedented and over-the-top police state put into place in New Jersey as the Seahawks and the Broncos face off in MetLife Stadium. The stadium will double as a high-tech panopticon where Homeland Security, the TSA, the FBI, state and local cops and the U.S. military – in violation of Posse Comitatus – will use the threadbare and bankrupt ruse of terrorism to showcase their highly evolved police state machine. Alex covers the Fourth Amendment Free zone extending into New York, the K9 units, the TSA molestation free for all, and the sex trafficking so cherished by the elite during the gladiatorial game today. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 02/01/2014
On The January 31, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & We Speak With Jakari Jackson Live From The Super Bowl Media Spectacle. News Covered: TSA screener confession. Attack on mass transit seen as top Super Bowl security risk. Super Bowl Fans Want TSA Administered Proctology Exams. Georgia Police Strip Search Drivers During Minor Traffic Stops. Department of Homeland Security Censors Report On Deadly Force. Mexico Protects Its Borders Better Than U.S. Google Patent Seeks to Transmit Your Cellphone Videos to Law Enforcement. - Watch now