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Special Reports
Date: 06/18/2015
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade package is beginning to unravel, with more prominent voices slamming President Obama and the Republican leadership over the secretive deal that threatens to cost American jobs and hand big corporations new powers that would violate national sovereignty. Critics of the TPP assert that the trade deal will cost American jobs and give huge corporations the power to change U.S. laws. Physicians are rallying as they become increasingly concerned about the passage of TPP. Prescription drug costs could waylay the affordability of biologics and thousands of prescription drugs by drastically altering intellectual property protections. Under the TPP, corporations could sue countries for restricting their products due to legislation brought to fruition by Government policies. The Investor State Dispute Settlement portion of the TPP gives the upper hand to the corporatocracy. Legislative bodies would only act as advisory boards to the ruling corporacratic governments. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 05/05/2015
If President Obama, The IMF, The WTO and legions of New World Order stalwarts have their way. Your job, your children’s future, and the future of the United States will be assimilated to the corporacratic borg. Obama is diligently attempting to get the Trans Pacific Partnership passed. Corporations are heavily lobbying for the deal as legislative sycophants, pawns of their corporate masters, like John Boehner, rally support for a trade agreement that will make NAFTA look like child’s play. Backdoor job killers like the H1B visa work program are chipping away at the U.S. jobs economy. Disney recently dropped the gauntlet on excellent higher paid American workers, replacing them with IT workers from India at the Walt Disney Parks And Resorts. The level of greed being displayed by the major players of The Partnership For A New American Economy will only result in a catastrophic broken American dream. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 02/25/2015
Can America survive an exponential, essentially unlimited, increase in the entitlement state? Of course not. But those pushing global governance and multi-national corporations need to collapse western economies that stand in the way of their agenda. “Welcome America” and “Welcoming Cities and Counties” are going the next step beyond amnesty and Sanctuary Cities— showing illegal immigrants how to exploit the entitlement state but couching it as simply compassion and inclusiveness. - Watch now