Channel: All
Nightly News
Date: 10/18/2016
On this Monday, October 17th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, With Wikileaks and Project Veritas exposing the corruption in the Democratic party, the establishment is trying to build up World War III with Russia. We also investigate who is really hacking into the DNC, and it does not appear to be the Russians. - Watch now
Tuesday: The Infowars Nightly News. Bernie Abandons His Voters For That Almighty Corporate Dollar
Nightly News
Date: 07/27/2016
On this Tuesday, July 26th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Democrats have been so busy banging gavels parading celebrities and shushing their supporters that they never got around to speaking about terror attacks. Then While WikiLeaks states there is no proof that the DNC email hack was done by Russians, Nancy Pelosi seems to know that Putin is behind it. and Hillary's health comes into question again. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 01/16/2014
On The January 15, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts & We Interview Dr. Ed Group. News Covered: Obama not waiting on legislation: 'I've got a pen and I can use it to sign executive orders' WikiLeaks reveals secret draft of TPP environment chapter. N.S.A. Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers. Government, Industry To Use Computer Microphones To Spy On 150 Million Americans. Secret surveillance court judges oppose reform ideas. Group in Congress asks White House to declassify 'black budget' Low Flying Homeland Security Helicopter To Test For Radiation. Scientists Baffled by Mass Sardine Die-Off on West Coast. MIT PROF: 'Global Warming, Climate Change Just A Dream Come True For Politicians'... - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 11/13/2013
On the Wednesday, November 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues breaking down the devastating lies of Obamacare as more than 1 million Californians learn they will be losing their plans. Alex also looks at how the failure of Obamacare is costing the president major credibility points as everyone is seeing the Emperor wears no clothes, and explains how Infowars forced the Seattle Police Department toterminate their clandestine wi-fi spy grid. On today's show, Alex welcomes radio talk show host Mancow Muller to discuss how he was approached by Obama minions and asked to sell out. Alex also talks with Infowars' Lee Ann McAdoo and David Knight to discuss the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) documents leaked by Wikileaks which will affect a range of issues, including internet freedom, medicine, patents and civil liberties. We'll also be taking your calls on this worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 09/09/2013
Real, authentic media has affected public opinion to the extent that the military industrial complex has not been able to start yet another war — or as Zbigniew Brezezinski says, there is a 'global political awakening' that is constraining their wars. So the government attacks authentic media by trying to turn everyone's fundamental right to free speech into a privilege granted only to those they bless with the designation of 'journalist'. Even the name of the bill: "Free Flow of Information Act of 2013" is false. It's all about stopping the free flow of information. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 08/17/2013
On The August 16, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & David Knight interviews Operation Paul Revere Film Maker Corey Kealiher. News Covered: Rand Slams Congress for Funding Egypt's Generals: 'How Does Your Conscience Feel Now?' President Obama announced the cancellation of a joint U.S. military exercise with Egypt, but did not cut off the $1.3 billion in military aid the U.S. provides to the country. Assange: Rand Paul Libertarians “Only Hope” For Future of America. GOP votes to ban NBC, CNN from debates. Washington Post, CNN, Time hacked by alleged Pro-Assad group. FBI investigating 'sextortion' case targeting Miss Teen USA - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/30/2013
On this Tuesday, July 30 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes back Syrian Girl who exposes how the Obama-backed Free Syrian Army is actually supplying Al-Qaeda with anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. Mainstream media sources have recently attempted to paint a false picture of the FSA and Al-Qaeda as being divided. In order to really emphasize Obama's continued suffocation of small business owners, Alex talks to top children's magician Marty Hahne, better known as Marty the Magician. Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture forced Marty to get a license for the rabbit that he pulls out of his hat. Now the Obama Administration wants Marty to also submit a 32-page "disaster plan" for the rabbit. Nightly News host David Knight comes in studio to announce the second place winner of Operation Paul Revere. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/29/2013
On The Friday June 28, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. News Covered: Wesley Clark Says American People Like NSA Stasi State Spying On Them. Researchers Use Video Game Software to Steer Cockroaches. WikiLeaks Volunteer Was a Paid Informant for the FBI. FBI Document —Plots to Kill Occupy Leader ‘If Deemed Necessary”. Stop & Frisk Protest. Irish bankers 'hoodwinked' government over bailout, secret recordings show. New EU Plan Will Make Every Bank Account In Europe Vulnerable To Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation. Federal Regulations Cut Standard of Living by 75 Percent Over 56 Years. 68 Senators Vote to Create Incentive for Employers to Hire Amnestied Immigrants Over U.S. Citizens. Brothers in Arms SPECIAL REPORT. UK may approve creating babies with DNA from 3 people. Dad's confession: I almost left my disabled daughter. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 06/27/2013
A lot of people are saying "who cares if the NSA spies on me? I'm not doing anything wrong." But according to some outdated -- but still on the books -- laws, you're probably doing something wrong without even knowing it. Ever signed onto an unsecure wi-fi network? Third-degree felony. In fact, you don't even have to break the law to get arrested. Police already abuse their tremendous power, so when all of our (unintentionally criminal) moves are stored in a database, who's to say those in power won't decide if something presently harmless, is now an offense. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 02/28/2012
On this February 28,2012 broadcast of Infowars Nightly News Aaron Dykes fills in for Alex Jones.Aaron speaks with Gary Franchi from The Reality Report. Gary breaks down the GOP voting in Arizona and M - Watch now