Channel: All
Special Reports
Date: 03/10/2016
Why have gun owners rejected and boycotted smart guns? Why does Obama want them so badly that he will use your tax money to create them and shove them down your throat? At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) which just ended in Las Vegas, a vendor wanted to demonstrate his Smart Gun Lock saying it “Answers President Obama’s Call for a Smart Gun” But the CES wouldn’t allow him to bring an unloaded gun into the show, not even an imitation gun — not even for Obama There’s an important lesson in that. They don’t really want better tech. In their fear and ignorance they just want to get rid of guns. Obama doesn’t want to make you safe, he wants to take away your liberty to own guns and protect yourself. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 03/10/2016
New Year's day, Texas became the 45th state to allow concealed-carry permit holders to openly carry their firearms. Governor Abbot has made it clear to President Obama where he stands on gun control, but what do citizens of an open-carry state really think? You might be surprised. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 03/10/2016
Obama’s dictatorial national policy strategy is forming into what can only be described as a global government coordinated subterfuge of the language of the Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Of course this is only the beginning of the Propaganda on parade. Heres a reminder, a little known decades old anti propaganda law known as the smith-mundt act was silently deep sixed on July 2nd of 2013. Essentially, unlimited government propaganda can now be unleashed to control the seething grievances of the American people. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 01/25/2016
On the Monday, January 25 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, presidential contender Rand Paul warns the GOP Donald Trump is a “power hungry delusional fake Conservative narcissist,” adding he'd be “worse than anything we got in Washington.” Meanwhile, Trump dukes it out with Ted Cruz and a band of neo-Con supporters for the Republican nomination. On today's show we invite Pastor David Manning to discuss the last days of the Obama presidency and its lasting effects. We'll also look at the European migrant rape epidemic, the new Infowars-based X-Files and take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 01/20/2016
On the Wednesday, January 20 worldwide broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we'll look at the rigged stock market plummeting along with oil prices, as economists warn of a global wave of epic debt defaults. On today's show, we'll also air our powerful sit-down interview with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in which the Nation of Islam leader speaks out on varied topics, such as Donald Trump's comments on Muslims, the contrived race war, the brutal takedown of Libyan Col. Muammar Gadhafi at the hands of Hillary Clinton and a whole lot more. Tell your friends and family to tune in from 11am to 3pm as Infowars attempts to break the establishment's conditioning. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 01/06/2016
On the Wednesday, January 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we break down reactions to Obama's unilateral assault on gun rights, with presidential candidate Donald Trump asserting, “I will not let Obama screw around with the Second Amendment.” And the mayor of a city in Germany is coming under pressure for telling women to keep Muslim migrant rapists at an “arms length.” On today's show, British author David Icke discusses key world events and the Australian government's move to ban him from speaking in the country. We'll also take a close look at the standoff in Oregon with Joe Biggs, North Korea's hydrogen bomb and take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 12/23/2015
On tonights Tuesday December 22nd, 2015 edition of the Nightly News. hundreds of ISIS Jihadists already in Europe preparing Paris-style attacks. Islamic state conflict voted top news story of 2015, according to the associated press' annual poll of U.S. editors and news directors. but Obama says this concern is only due to media saturation, not because terrorists are actually threatening to attack the western way of life. secret service agents gun, badge stolen near white house some inside the agency expressed surprise that such a crime could take place so close to the law enforcement agency's headquarters in the middle of the afternoon. he must not have seen any signs. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 12/15/2015
Obama and company would have us all believe that gun ownership must be heavily regulated. (OBAMA VIDEO) These comments stem from a fabricated culture of fear to be believed by our Big Daddy government. Sorry kids, it turns out big daddy is a compulsive liar. As gun sales have gone up Gun violence has gone down. Well, unless you are counting Big Daddy’s gun free zones. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 12/07/2015
On the LIVE Sunday, December 6 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Obama plans a rare Oval Office address to the nation in which he will lay out an attack plan on the right to self defense and the Second Amendment using the pretext of protecting Americans from terrorism. As Chicago Mayor and former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has indicated, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." We'll also cover new details on the San Bernardino shooter regarding his radicalization into fundamentalist Islam and go over the open border agenda. On today's show, we'll also announce the winner of the Infowars' "War on Christmas" meme contest and take your calls. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 12/03/2015
On the Thursday, December 3 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, radical Islamic terrorists are blamed for a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, which left 14 dead. We'll flesh out the facts surrounding the shooting, and also consider a claim from a neighbor who says they didn't report the shooter as suspicious for fear of being labeled a racist. Also, Secretary of State John Kerry asks the Syrian government to accept a "peace strategy" with so-called "moderate rebels" in order to defeat ISIS. On today’s worldwide broadcast we speak with John Coleman, the founder of The Weather Channel, who has repeatedly challenged the man-made global warming narrative. We'll also take your calls on this global edition. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 11/06/2015
On this Friday, November 6 edition of the Alex jones show, we cover the latest legal trouble for Hillary Clinton, who signed a non-disclosure agreement acknowledging the mishandling of classified information was a criminal act that would jeopardize national security. John Lott of joins the broadcast to break down the statistics that show more guns equal less crime. Also, financial expert Peter Schiff covers why millions of Americans are not working as the participation rate hits a 38-year low. you don’t want to miss today’s show! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/08/2015
On this Thursday, October 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we analyze the Supreme Court's claim that mandatory vaccines don't violate children's constitutional rights, a bizarre statement considering that injecting someone with chemicals practically at gunpoint is as invasive as it gets. Infowars investigative journalist Wayne Madsen joins the show to reveal what the media's not telling you about the Clinton e-mail scandal: evidence suggests Hillary Clinton was running her own shadow State Dept. with help from George Soros. And we also talk about how Russia - not the U.S. - is helping Iraq against ISIS. Tune in! - Watch now