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Nightly News
Date: 07/08/2016
On this Thursday, July 7th, 2016 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Following FBI director James Comey announcement that Hillary will not be prosecuted, house and senate shut down a Clinton investigation. After that governor, Jerry brown attacks the second amendment by coming after magazines. And while a boatload of migrants illegally enter the United States wildlife patrolmen disarm and detain American reporters. - Watch now
Wednesday: The Infowars Nightly News. Gun Violence, Migrants and Donald Trump Another Day in The US
Nightly News
Date: 12/03/2015
On tonight's Wednesday, December 3rd 2015 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Poor Billionaire scumbag George Soros. His colour revolution is finally being called out for what it truly is. Rather than a pro democracy movement of civil disobedience, its nothing less than a full attack on democracy by the New World Order Agenda truly behind it. On Monday Obama’s State Department criticized Russia’s decision to evict George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. In November Russia put the Open Society Foundations and the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation on a stop list of undesirable foreign NGOs. Russia’s General Prosecutor’s Office said the Soros outfits represent “a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the security of the state.” The Soros “pro-democracy” track record includes underwriting color revolutions and stirring up social unrest in Serbia, Georgia, Egypt, Turkey, Macedonia and most recently Ukraine. “We see the tragic consequences of the so-called color revolutions and ordeals survived by the peoples of the states that faced these irresponsible experiments of covert and sometimes even… overt interference into their lives,” Vladimir Putin said in a speech before a meeting of the Russian Security Council in November. “This is a lesson and warning for us and we will do everything possible to prevent this from happening in Russia.” At the very least, Americans should be outraged by Soros’ unabashed fueling of division in our country. As our hijacked government continues to protect his minions. ”A ‘Black Lives Matter’ supporter who threatened to massacre 16 white students as part of a revenge attack for the shooting of Chicago teen Laquan McDonald has been allowed to return to campus by a federal judge. “This is my only warning,” wrote Dean. “At 10 a.m. on Monday mourning (sic) I am going to the campus quad of the University of Chicago. I will be armed with a M-4 Carbine and 2 Desert Eagles all fully loaded. I will execute aproximately (sic) 16 white male students and or staff, which is the same number of time (sic) Mcdonald (sic) was killed.”“I then will die killing any number of white policemen that I can in the process. This is not a joke. I am to do my part to rid the world of the white devils. I expect you to do the same,” the post stated.” That in a nutshell is what you can expect resulting from the dirty deeds of George Soros. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 11/18/2015
On this Tuesday, November 17th 2015 edition of the Nightly News, The United States is expected to welcome the next tidal wave of refuges from Syria as Barack Obama promises to increase the number of Syrian migrants to a staggering 100,000 per year. Meanwhile a close the borders movement is sweeping the nation as tremendous backlash grows against Obama's migrants resettlement plan. So far Twenty one U.S. states have announced that they would flat out to refuse to accept the refugees. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 10/28/2015
On this Tuesday, October 27th 2015 edition of the Nightly News, territory disputes raise tensions between the U.S. and China. Then texas governor Greg Abbott tells the BLN to “ Come and Take It”, and creep tech is coming to a home near you. - Watch now
Monday: The Infowars Nightly News. The Destruction of Individual Liberty and True Multiculturalism
Nightly News
Date: 10/13/2015
On this Monday October 12th, 2015 Special edition of the Nightly News, A huge protest underway in Berlin as 250,000 people march against the TTIP, a trade deal between the U.S and the European Union the critics say will benefit the large corporations . Then The UN says that Europe and the United States must take more refugees and get rid of sovereignty. Plus an Update on last weeks attack against Doctors without border in Afghanistan, The pentagon says it will pay money to the victims families but will not provide details of the bombing. And former intelligence analyst says what we have been saying all along political correctness is a manipulative tool for centralizing power. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/21/2015
On the Monday, September 21st edition of the Alex Jones Show, clueless Obama supporters sign a petition calling for the US to nuke North Korea. Also, John Kerry announces the US will take on 200,000 refugees, and a new Gallup poll shows half of Americans believe the federal government is “an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.” On today's show, Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura joins the program to break down the federal government's encroachment on civil liberties, and gives his take on the 2016 presidential election and the European migrant crisis. Also, Alex Jones is “free to go” after TSA harasses him over a jar of grape jelly, and the police state goes overboard everywhere the pope visits. - Watch now