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On this groundbreaking Sunday, February 17, 2013 edition, Alex Jones examines how payroll tax increases and other measures are being used by design to contract the economy and implode the western standard of living, under Agenda 21. 1992 Rio conference head Maurice Strong made this clear when he stated, "Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialized civilization collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” Later, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes joins Alex to consider the long train of abuses we now face, and that the founders also faced in the lead up to 1776. Could history repeat, and will globalists back off from their attack against humanity? Meanwhile, the gun control agenda is also moving forward, with multiple states introducing legislation to confiscate firearms and ban semi-automatic weapons, clips and ammo. The close approach of the DA-14 asteroid causes a stir, as Russia recovers from an impact that injured hundreds and caused significant damage while the world examines its role in planning for the worst. Your calls and comments are welcome.
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